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    Renaissance crash course flash cards

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    What place that based its wealth from textile merchants and bankers became known as the center of the renaissance
    When did the florentine Renaissance reach its peak
    During lifetime of Lorenzo the magnificent(1449-1492)
    Who was Giovanni Pico de Mirandola
    Wrote on the oration of the dignity of man which celebrated the human potential for greatness
    Rejected medieval scholasticism and instead advocated a curriculum based on roman and Greek studies, classics, rhetorics, and history
    Who was Lorenzo Valla
    Used Renaissance scholarship and powerful linguistic and historical analysis to show that the donation of Constantine was actually a fraud
    Bald assure Castilligione
    Wrote the courtier which described the ideal Renaissance man
    What did Castiligione say about women in his Courtier
    The perfect woman should be well educated and charming. They should inspire art but not create it
    Habsburg Valois wars
    Lorenzo the Magnificent died with out leaving behind a strong leader. King Charles VII invaded with goal of conquering Naples. Ferdinand in Spain didn’t like this and it started series of wars. Spain won but it involved al, the city states
    Who is considered the founder of modern political science
    “The whole land of Italy is with out a head, without an order, been beaten, spoiled, torn in pieces, overrun, and abandoned to destruction in every shape. She prays to God to send someone to rescue her from these barbarous cruelties.”

    Who wrote this and what is he talking about

    Machiavelli and his disappointment in the Hapsburg Valois wars
    Who was the first feminist in the Renaissance age
    Christine de Pizan
    What were Christian humanist committed to
    Northern Renaissance people committed to moral and institutional reform
    Praise of folly
    Written by Erasmus about satire with greedy merchants, priests, and quarrelsome scholars
    What type of Renaissance man was erasmus
    Northern renaissance
    A perfect society off the coast of the new world that advocated religious toleration, humanist education for men and women,
    Micheal de Montaigne
    One of the most influential essay writers of the French Renaissance. Famous question: what do I know?
    What did the printing press do
    Like today’s Internet, promoted freedom of expression, rapid spread of information, and challenged power of authorities to control views
    Created the first royal army in France, responsible for the taille and gabelle, and concluded the Hundred Years’ War by expelling England from franxe
    Charles 7
    Who established the Concordat of Bologna with Pope Leo that authorized the king to appoint bishops etc to the Catholic Church in frabce
    Francis 1
    Who completed the reconquizta
    Ferdinand and Isabella
    What did Henry VIII do to the Catholic Church
    Declared himself the supreme head and dissolved their monasteries and confiscated their land

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    Renaissance crash course flash cards. (2017, Sep 05). Retrieved from

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