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    Renaissance and MAAN

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    Characteristics of a certain place or time period that set it apart
    Cultural Movement
    Evolution and changes of a culture; bring back or put in new or old ideas
    The most important cultural movement of the renaissance
    14 lines, special type of poem
    Petrarchan/Italian Sonnet
    1 octave: A B B A A B B A
    1 sestet: C D E C D E or CDE DCE or CDC DCD
    Extended metaphor over several lines
    English/ Shakespearean Sonnet
    3 Quatrains: (each dealing with a different concept of the thematic Topic)
    A B A B
    C D C D
    E F E F
    1 couplet: (final thought) G G
    stanza of four lines of poetry; each of these deals with a different concept of the thematic topic of a shakespearean sonnet
    two line verse of poetry; this is the final thought of the sonnet that ties everything together
    Series of poems tracing development
    Shakespearean Plays
    Tragedies, Comedies, Histories
    Everything that can go wrong will, ends with death
    Everything that can go wrong will, ends happily
    True stories, Renaissance Documentary
    Setting of MAAN
    Messina, Italy in 16th century-likely during the Italian wars
    Themes of MAAN
    Human motivation
    Reputation and Virtue
    Perception versus reality
    A woman’s virginity
    Don Pedro
    Leader, Prince of Aragon, matchmaker, voice of reason
    Don John
    Evil brother to Don Pedro, likes to make mischief, wears leather pants
    Handsome classic Prince Charming kind of character, in love with Hero, easily duped
    Daughter of Governor Leonato, love interest of Claudio, Cousin of Beatrice is actually still a maiden despite the rumor thanks to Don John
    Governor, Father of Hero, Uncle of Beatrice
    Soldier under Don Pedro, hates love, quick wit, “merry war” with Beatrice
    Cousin to hero, niece of Leonato, quick wit, very blunt, “merry war” with Benedick, a little past marrying age
    Hero’s lady in waiting, opposite of Hero, not virtuous,attracted to Borachio
    One of Don John’s henchmen, helps with plan to make Hero seem not virtuous
    One of Don John’s henchmen
    Chief policeman, takes himself too seriously, middle class character, uses many malaprops
    Deputy of Dogberry
    Leonato’s older brother, Uncle to Hero and Beatrice
    Musician, waiting man in Leonato’s house
    One of Hero’s waiting women
    One character speaks to audience
    One character speaks to him/herself

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    Renaissance and MAAN. (2017, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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