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    The Reconstruction Period Essay

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    The Reconstruction period was the process of rebuilding, the south, after the Civil War. (1865-1877) The consequences of the Civil War left Americans with questions of what to do next? Abolishing slavery was a concern.

    Among many other questions was what should be demanded of the Southern states, and what should be the responsibility of the newly freed slaves. They wanted to know how the economy should be rebuilt based on free labor. Slaves could now work for wages. The Reconstruction Period began with a national onset over the shape of the government, and the period ended with the federal acknowledgement to rebuild.

    President Lincoln had some war aims. The Emancipation Proclamation was the conviction of Northerners, that is to say the South should have free labor/no slaves. It was known that the Republicans dominated in the North, and Democrats in the South. These republicans who took lead in the Reconstruction period were known as radicals.

    The 15th Amendment did many things. It abolished slavery; it provided the Freedman’s Bureau Agency for needy refugees. It provided food, clothing, and school and helped with labor relations. However though all of this was addressed the precise nature of the reconstruction remained undetermined.

    After Lincoln’s death in 1865, it only hardened the nation even more. The Readmission Policy (10% plan) stated that the state government had to be in Republican form. It recognized the permanent freedom of slaves. It had to provide for black education, most of the population was illiterate.

    Johnson takes office after Lincoln’s assassination and sought to restore political rights to the South. This began friction between the radicals and the President..

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Reconstruction Period Essay. (2019, Mar 02). Retrieved from

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