Why do individuals decide to go to college? What causes people to choose college over getting a job coming out of high school? It could be because of sports, trying to get a scholarship or even trying to make it to the pros in a specific sport. People can get a better job by going to college after high school and make more money as if you just got a job without going to college, but this could also go the way where your parents are forcing you to go because they think that’s best for you. Another reason could be to grow yourself, try new activities, meet new people and just grow as a person. There are so many reasons an induvial would want to go to college. “In college, students establish the intellectual foundations for their careers, and it is when they have the freedom to explore paths their lives might take “(Phyllis M. Wise).
Coming out of high school you are expected to know what you want to do for the rest of your life, that’s a very difficult decision. Most students are taking Liberal Arts as their major because they don’t know what they want to do with themselves (College: What It Is, And Should Be). Going straight into a major isn’t always the smartest decision either unless you are one hundred percent committed to that major because most people that have already been through their college years say “you will change your major 2 or more time unless you know what you want for the rest of your life”. They also could be going to college specifically because they are demanded by their parents.
A high percentage of kids coming out of high school feel pressured or obligated by their parents to go to college because “It’s the right thing to do”. Is too much pressure corrupt to make such an important decision as a teenager so quickly? Parents want the best for you so they push you into college so in the future you can get a better job as if you didn’t go to college. Students might want to explore and see where the future takes them but that might not be what their parents want so that is where all this pressure comes from to go to a respectable university. Do people actually go to college just to play sports, the answer to that question is yes. Think about the kids coming out of high school getting highly recruited for their athletic ability knowing thy have the ability to go to the pros in their own sport. People learn respect and just life examples while playing sports also. “For me, it was Football.
As an offensive lineman, I learned the power of persistence, the rewards of hard work, and the hard lesson that one doesn’t always win” (Joseph R. Urgo). Sports can teach so many different things that you can carry with you for the rest of your life, but that’s only one part of going to college for sports. How about the kids coming out of high school that are already looking at their careers and telling themselves their going to the pros after one, two, three or even four years of college. Sports can be an immense support for students going into college in numerous ways.