queen victoria was born in 1819 ands hs4e died in 1901. she was queen of the untted kingdom and empress of india. asjdfjasdlkfjslakdfjlllhaskjfhhsadfhksadjfhksafasdfhkshfksah sadkfahdfdkafhksa ahfdj hakfdj h’ahkdfj aif asjahkfj hasi hsdfakf hafhu aisu hfasihf askjhriewt hiastu hai aiufh ak auf ha’jasdflkfja iaodsjf oasi ei fja joaisfj abjajg iagoii oaewitj oaji algjoia; aoijtr aoiej toia aoitj ao oaetj rao aoi tjoai oiat aoie wop aopt iaop hpaitr apTara Mulvihill Mulvihill 1Mrs. StambaughEnglish 351-4thApril 9, 2002Creative PaperThe Secret Life of Tara Mulvihill Good morning princess, I heard a voice day in a British accent as I looked around the huge bed chambers where I found myself laying.
Where am I? I whispered. Well, youre back home from boarding school. You were so tired last night you didnt even say hello to your mother. Boarding school? I thought to myself. I dont go to boarding school. You need to dress, your mother is waiting to see you.
I slowly sat up and looked around. The room was gigantic. It was full of beautiful furniture and huge portraits. I wandered out of bed and over to the closet. I stepped inside and looked around.
It was a long room filled with all the clothes I could imagine. I dressed and walked out into the hallway. The hallway was wide. On the walls hung more portraits of people I had never seen. Every so often there was a group of chairs placed symmetrically across from one another.
There were so many beautiful archways and moldings. It was like a castle I had heard about in history. Tara, Tara! I heard a voice call. Ive been waiting for you to come home and hey you are not even coming to tell me hello.
Mother, where are we? I inquired. At home, of course. I could hear another voice barking at me. Tara, Tara! I looked around.
This time I found myself back in history with Mrs. Carter in the front of the class. I sat up. Now lets turn the page and look at Buckingham Palace, she told the class. It was all a dream.o aurpwae98t aaahdfkaiuu uafhi as agfasdgf.Words/ Pages : 381 / 24