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    Punta Cana Essay

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    Punta Cana Punta Cana is an unforgettable place to have a wonderful vacation. First, the Punta Cana’s locals could be the friendliest people of the world. At the hotel, they are always greeting you in a personal way, like Good Morning Mr. Aldana and keeping you wondering how the majority of them can remember your name. They have a big smile for you anytime; no matter if it is very early in the morning while you are running at the beach or if it is past midnight when you are returning to your room.

    The people that you meet outside the resort are very hospitable and ready to help you in whatever you need; to buy something special where the locals do their shopping or a tour guide taking you to know the city. Second, the fresh smell of the flowers and happy ambience at the resort are unique. Upon arriving at the hotel, you can feel the happiness and hear the contagious music, like bachata and merengue. After the check-in they take you to a nice room where you can smell the fresh flowers and enjoy the beautiful ocean sight.

    The food at the different hotel restaurants is delicious, under the “all inclusive” plan you can taste and enjoy a great variety of food, so you can drink and eat whatever you want anytime. The hotel offers you a variety of activities at night. You can take a dance class with the hotel’s staff, you can shake your body at the disco place or you can meet other people at the bar and share experiences. Third, the beaches are wonderful and unforgettable.

    The clean-white-sand at the beaches and the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea invites you to throw on your swimsuit, grab a beach chair and take a very hot sunbath. They offer many activities at the beaches, like snorkeling, surfing, fishing or scuba-diving. It is up to you how energized you feel to take one or more activities. The one day boat trip to the Isla Saona where the Caribbean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean is worth your money, it is a paradisiacal place where you can shoot a beautiful post-card picture and swim in the warm and calm waters.

    On your way back from Isla Saona, you have to stop and enjoy La Piscina Natural; it doesn’t seem right, but you can sit in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, in the water of course. This is a starfish-inhabited sandbar where you can shoot pictures of the starfish in your hand, but not take them above the sea level for their protection. In conclusion, Punta Cana is the perfect place to have a relaxing vacation if you like to enjoy beautiful beaches and delicious food.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Punta Cana Essay. (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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