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    Why Psychiatry?

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    Why would anyone in this world want to become a psychiatrist? To me I thinkthat mental illnesses are important to this world. That’s because millions of Americansare affected by mental disorders daily. Psychiatry seems like an interesting career.

    Manypeople in this world will say that they don’t want to work with a mental patient, becausethey are afraid that the mental patient might try to harm them. It would be interesting tofind out why many people are suffering from mental disorders. Psychiatry deals with mental disorders. Mental disorders may affect most aspects of a patient’s life, including physical functioning, behavior, emotions, thought, perception, interpersonal relationships, sexuality, work, and play.

    Disorders are often seen as exaggerations of situations that healthy individuals experience. Examples of thesedisorders are: depression, frighten, envious, or angry. These examples can only be seen asmental disorders if they are continuous, excessive, and lead to self-destructive behavior. Mental disorders seriously affect a person’s ability to function and lead a happylife. Psychiatry is one of the frontier areas of medicine. Also, psychiatry is one of theoldest specialties.

    Psychiatry is the medical specialty that is concerned with thetreatment, prevention of mental disorders, and the diagnosis. A psychiatrist is basically aphysician that treats mental illnesses. Psychiatrist’s spend more than 48 hours a week at work. 60 percent of those 48hours (28. 8 hours) is spent with patients. Psychiatrist lead patients into a discussion aboutthe patient’s life and feelings to get an understanding of what the patient goes through ona daily basis.

    Psychiatrist use psychoanalysis as treatment for patients. Psychoanalysis isspecific method of investigating unconscious mental processes. Approximately 2. 8percent of the adult population suffer from severe mental illnesses. The starting salary for being a psychiatrist is $95,500 and goes to $305,000. Psychiatrist earn 0 percent to 30 percent bonuses.

    This information on salaries is for mostpsychiatrist around the United States. The required education for being a psychiatrist is basically like other medicalfields. The reason for that is because with most medical fields you have to do residency. To become a psychiatrist you must have completed a bachelor’s degree plus a four-yearresidency program. Psychiatry requires a doctor’s degree, plus two – seven years ofpost-graduate specialty training. Of the four years for the residency program, out of themfour years, four months will be spent in internal medicine, family medicine, and/ orpediatrics.

    Also, two more months are spent in neurology. Becoming a psychiatrist youalso must have state licensure and a certification in psychiatry.Bibliography:none

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Why Psychiatry?. (2019, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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