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    Problematic Marriage Throughout “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri

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    The relevant current event in this blessed house is online dating. Y’all might wonder why online dating is plays a great deal for this short story? We’ve had online dating since 1995; with 26.6 million people registered. How does online dating influence arrange marriages? First, I intend on providing background information on arranged marriages. It’s predicted that over half worldwide marriages are arranged; over 20 million exist in the world today! It’s evident that, we never hear about arranged marriages, but commonly hear about high divorces. Within America, the divorce rates are around 40% – 50%, however arranged marriages 4%. In India, arranged marriages are 90%; divorce rates are only 1%. It’s commonly interpreted that arranged marriages are established on a high mature set of reasons than non-arranged marriages.

    Technology has altered and influenced the function of arranged marriages today like these dating sites,, , etc. This is the biggest alteration for young people in this union and presented with negotiation. A quote from Professor Pamela Regan at California State University that, “Today’s arranged marriages place much more emphasis on free choice.”

    The relevant element of culture for This Blessed House is religion. Religion is the main source of conflict within this short story. This is shown through Twinkle and Sanjeev’s arguments and disagreements. To emphasize the recurring theme of Christianity vs Hinduism that can be further simplified to the theme of Old culture vs New culture.

    The quotes presented in this Blessed House further display how religion affects Twinkle and Sanjeev. Sanjeev tells Twinkle to, “Check the expiration. And the very least get rid of that idiotic statue.” (Lahiri 136) The idiotic statue was a white porcelain structure of Christ. He wants the structure thrown away because Hinduism is valued high to him. “We’re not Christian.” (Lahiri 146) This really emphasizes that he doesn’t care to be identified with Christianity. Sanjeev puts a negative tone on the word Christians. The last quote from Sanjeev displays how much he hates Christianity as a whole. He also admits that the structure has value and is flawless. He further says that his reasoning for the hatred for the figure is because Twinkle admired it. Which is oddly unusual for a semi-arranged married couple, they had the option to marry each other, when they only knew each other for four months. Sanjeev’s hatred for Christianity had altered to resentment towards Twinkle and Christianity. “He did hate it. He hated its immensity, and its flawless, polished surface, and its undeniable value.” (Lahiri 156 – 157) As for Twinkle, “Oh how cute!” “So, you keep reminding me.” (Lahiri 146) Sanjeev is constantly reminding Twinkle that they’re not Christians, he notices her admiration and interest with the biblical items. The great difference of personality and cultural background play a major role with the married couples dilemmas.

    A relevant Current Event in A Temporary Matter is Beyoncé. Beyoncé had publicly discussed about her miscarriage, on 2013 HBO, “Life is But a Dream.” Calling the miscarriage “the saddest thing I’ve ever been through.” The miscarriage of Blue Ivy caused an alteration within the relationship of Jay Z and Beyoncé. Jay Z refers to the song, “Glory” as a message t0 their daughter. “Last time the miscarriage was so tragic / We was afraid you’d disappear / But nah baby you magic.” This is like Shoba and Shukumar at the loss of their unborn baby. The couple suffered a major change with their relationship: rarely any contact, eat alone, rarely show affection, etc. Shukumar notices the change and wants to change it. They talk about what they’ve never told each other. Then realized that they need each other in this time; yet Shoba leaves.

    Quotes within A Temporary Matter that portray why the marriage is a problem,

    “But nothing was pushing Shukumar. Instead he thought of how he and Shoba had become experts at avoiding each other in their three-bedroom house, spending as much time on separate floors as possible. He thought of how he no longer looked forwards to weekends, when she sat for hours on the sofa with her colored pencils and her files, so that he feared that putting on a record in his own house might be rude. He thought of how long it had been since she looked into his eyes and smiled, or whispered his name on those rare occasions they still reached for each other’s bodies before sleeping.” (Lahiri 4-5) Before, the power outage it’s obvious that the couple became very distant from one another; that the death of their baby made a lasting negative strain on their relationship. It is also obvious that avoidance became a second nature to Shoba and Shukumar. Shukumar doesn’t feel comfortable in his own house, rarely makes eye contact with his wife, and no longer is motivated.

    “he’d forgotten to brush them that morning. It wasn’t the first time. He hasn’t left the house at all that day, or the day before.” (Lahiri 2). This quote displays that Shukumar is dependent on Shoba. Shukumar does not want to leave the house because Shoba has been taking additional work to avoid him. This leads to a lack of motivation to take care of himself, their relationship evidently changed but so did Shukumar.

    “Our baby was a boy.” (Lahiri 22) They married couple agreed on not knowing the sex of the baby; that it should be a surprise. Shukumar arrived early enough to see their baby, before they cremated him. He decided to tell Shoba this news after she said that she was leaving. This moment was acted on guilt.

    With extensive research on how arraigned marriages are preformed, I displayed what I interpret this union was. I developed a scene where the guardian introduced their choosing of their child’s spouse. The children’s facial expression displays uncomfort and they must follow through.

    Whereas, in this comic strip I crated what I viewed new arraigned marriages behave like. The marriage presented is commonly known as a consented marriage. Guardians may introduce a possible spouse and the child can decide from there. They have a choice.

    In conclusion, I firmly think that religion, cultural differences, personality differences, the various types of arranged marriages, with holding valuable information from your spouse, and many other reasonings that are the heart of why marriages are often lousy within Interpreter of Maladies.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Problematic Marriage Throughout “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri. (2021, Oct 25). Retrieved from

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