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    Pro Life Side Of The Abortion Debates Essay

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    Introduction: There are three main different views of the abortion debate. Most of the debate is if the fetus is considered a human or not is the main argument. For the pro-life side of the abortion debate, they mainly say that it should be considered human. Of course the pro-choice feel just the opposite usually. I personally, consider myself to be Pro-Life because I don’t think that we have enough information on the fetus and I could never consider killing a human (or even a fetus).

    I feel that the parents should have taken responsibility and taken the appropriate actions such as choosing abstinence, or at least using contraceptives. Hopefully, you will agree after looking at the opposition and their views/arguments against my view.Background/Explanation: Ultimately, it comes down to one’s views about when one becomes human. When talking about the Abortion Debate, one probably would look at three views: Mary Anne Warren’s views from “On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion”, Don Marquis’s views from “An Argument that Abortion is Wrong”, and Judith Jarvis Thompson’s views from “A Defense of Abortion”. Marry Ann Warren was the first opinion viewed in our class. Ultimately, she argues that the fetus are not human beings, therefore, we should not worry about if we should be able to kill them.

    She states that the fetus is genetically human, but she claims that research has shown that a fetus is not morally a human. Genetically human is known as a member of the homo sapiens species and being morally human can be summed up by saying one that gives us traits that make us have moral rights. She compiles a list of attributes that make a human morally human: consciousness, reason, self-motivated activity, communication, . .ho was born with only one hand, set their high school’s record for all time receiving yards. Also, changing one’s lifestyle for this baby might lead the parents to be more successful in their own life.

    For example, if this pregnancy could prevent the mother from drinking less (hopefully during the pregnancy she doesn’t drink at all), allow the parent to quit smoking, etc. This “catastrophe” might even teach the parents to mature at a quicker rate because they realize that they should be there for their child. Much like my argument for the mother’s pain, one cannot foresee how successful the individual is going to be. Therefore, the parents should just allow the child to be born. There is the possibility that the child will not be bullied at about this subject matter. It’s just something the parents will not know until the child is born and should be accepted.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Pro Life Side Of The Abortion Debates Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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