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    President Washington ‘s Phenomenal Tactics And Confidence Essay

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    The United States would have never been established without General Washington’s phenomenal tactics and “confidence” in the Revolutionary War. According to, “confidence”, “is full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing,” and in fact, it is one of the hardest virtues people can attain (

    In life, we are aware of the many celebrities and successful people across multiple fields. We often ask the question why and how those people can reach the success, apart from the virtues, the qualities needed as hardworking, talented and flexible communication, or luck. To earn the same success as those people, we need to have a quality that is very important, “confidence”. Indeed, the word “confidence” helps people understand more about themselves, overcome life’s difficult situations, and easily archive their goals. Originally, “confidence” is the belief in ourselves, in our values or great qualities that exists within human beings. Moreover, self-confidence is something that cannot be taught.

    It is up to the individual to decide how much belief that they possess inside of themselves. Further, the more people believe in success and in the achievements that they have accomplished in the past, the more they can firmly embrace new challenges in the future. In contrast, “confidence” is opposite to some of people’s negative personalities such as cowardness, timidity, and it can lead them to be afraid to fail, or do not dare to pursue their dreams. Throughout life, “confidence” can be expressed from the smallest action as a student presenting or contributing ideas to the class lessons, or a scientist announcing his inventions, or even a writer publishing his books. . .

    iliar with their real-life children, more emphasis on psychological counseling adolescence, and future orientation for students. In summary, “confidence” is the key to know more about a person, to confront difficulties, and to easily success in life. So, everyone should practice it now to become a dynamic person, bravery in the society when there exists a strong belief in the thorns before life itself. “Confidence” also concerns people’s attitudes. Being calm and analyzing themselves leads people to know what their weaknesses and what is their strong points are. Psychological analysis always has an important influence on success, so “confidence” should make people being strong psychologically.

    The purpose of self-confidence is to maximize a person’s ability and future potential. Therefore, it has nothing to do with other people because it has to come from their own.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    President Washington ‘s Phenomenal Tactics And Confidence Essay. (2019, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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