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    Pre-Enrollment System Essay (2975 words)

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    SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF PRE-ENROLLMENT SYSTEM FOR 3RD YEAR BSCS STUDENTS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE COURSE REQUIREMENTS FOR SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Guimba, Kenn M. Payte, Glayza B. Suarez, Joan T. Tiamzon, Patricia Erica L. October, 2013 Table of Contents Chapter 1 – Introduction i. Company Profile inclusive of contract person it. Abstract iii. Statement of the Problem ‘v. Objective of the Study v. Significance of the Study v’. Methodology vii. Scope and Limitations Chapter 2 – The Existing System i. Definition of Terms it. Context Diagram iii. Data Flow Diagram

    Data Dictionary Detailed description of how the present system works Objectives of the present system Capabilities of the present system Limitations of the present system Chapter 3 – The Proposed System ‘v. Data Dictionary v. Normalization v’. Database Structure vii. Program Hierarchy i. Use-Case Diagram it. Activity Diagram iii. Sequence Diagram Chapter 5 – Cost Benefit Analysis Chapter 6 – Appendix Gant Chart Screen Layout Report Layouts Proposed Forms Sample Documents Chapter 1 Introduction Company Profile Cainta Catholic College dawned through the CICM missionary zeal.

    In 1931, Rev. Fr. Jose Talon was parish priest of Our Lady of Light. In school year 1996-1997 pursuing the five-year development plan of the school, a college level was opened offering courses in Bachelor in Elementary Education (SEED) and Bachelor in Secondary Education (BSED). Thus, Cainta Catholic School became Cainta Catholic College. Additional courses were opened in College in SY 1997-1998: BS Commerce major in Finance and BS Computer Science. Two courses are ladderized courses: Associate in Religious Education and Certificate in Computer Secretarial (Two-year course). n September 17, 1997, Rev. Fr. Efren C. Villanueva was appointed as the new College President. As the new millennium approaches, a new president of the institution was installed in the person of Rev. Fr. Paquito G. Gallego. The installation, last Nov. 30, 1999, was done during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated by the Most Rev. Protacio G. Gungon, DD. The entrance of Fr. Pax to the school paved the way to widen the horizon towards academic excellence which the school primarily desires.

    The Academic personnel were empowered to particularly focus on the curriculum and discipline, the school’s well-being and standard, with special emphasis on the leanliness of the school. For all of these to be implemented and run like a well-oiled machine, he gathered all the heads and supervisors of all the departments to form the President’s Council and appointed Bro. Joel C. Javiniar and Atty. Carmencita P. L. Logan to be the Executive Assistants for Academic Affairs and for Institutional Planning and Development, respectively. Likewise, he appointed Mrs.

    Cecilia V. Vinluan to be the Executive Assistant for Student Services. With both the Academic and Administrative departments in place, the construction of the new THE building as realized; the former Accounting and College offices inside the Administration Building were transformed into classrooms for the College Department. Since the the Property Custodian was refurbished into a prayer room for the spiritual needs of both the students and the employees alike. Meanwhile, the President’s office was transferred to the 2nd floor of the former T. H. E. uilding, and the HRMD took over the vacated President’s office. In February 9, 2004, Cainta Catholic College, then a Parochial school, was elevated to the status of a Diocesan College. This important hase in the indelible history of the institution is attributed to the initiative of Fr. Gallego and the resolution of the Board of Trustees led by Most Rev. Fr. Gabriel V. Reyes, Bishop of Antipolo, accorded CCC all the rights and privileges of a Diocesan College as provided by the Canon Law. In this same year CCC worked on Self Survey to prepare for accreditation.

    As the institution celebrates its Tri-Fest, making seventy five years from the first year it was founded as a catholic primary school, the tenth year of the college department, and the closing of the Sapphire year of the high chool department, Msgr. Arnel F. LagareJos was installed President of Cainta Catholic College and at the same time the parish priest of the Our Lady of Light Parish in June by the Most Rev. Gabriel V. Reyes, Bishop of Antipolo. With his assumption into office great strides were taken to fulfill the vision and mission of CCC.

    In November 29, 2006 Cainta Catholic College was accorded level one accreditation by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on accreditation (PACUCOA), a quest the institution has prepared for so many years. To provide basic quality service to the CCC academic community, a variety of management techniques were initiated. A revisit of the VISION-MISSION of the institution in the light of the new challenges for CCC after accreditation was done resulting to a revised statement of vision and mission.

    General assemblies and focused group discussions were conducted as means for consultation, cascading, and eventual owning of the vision and mission. With the intercession of Mary, Our Lady of Light, May Cainta Catholic College truly become a community of Christ’s faithful in ommunion and mission of proclaiming the gospel values of Truth, Justice and Love. Manual Enrollment uses pen and 3 papers to write all of their schedules, that’s why it consumed a lot of time in getting schedules, especially those who irregular students. l. Abstract The system is Enrollment System, where Cainta, Catholic College is using manual process.

    In Enrolling the students need to get the three papers to write down the subjects, units, and time of schedule. The first paper is copy of deans office, second is registrar’s office, and the third one is finance office. The difficult way for students is hey need to recurrent at the offices to complete the needs and the lack. In this situation the new students will get confused and still needs to ask other students of what is the next thing to do and where is the next office, besides of that they will easily get tired and irritated. As a student of Cainta, Catholic College we are going to make it computerized.

    We are proposing the Automated LAN Base Enrollment System in Cainta, Catholic College. We will start at Login where users will enter at the website of the school, as they enter, schedule for the subject that is related with their courses. About the plan, the users or students need to choose one, if it is plan A, B, C, and D. The system will help to have effective and efficient methods to reduce the difficulties of the students in enrolling. They don’t have to encode the subject by copying at the list of subjects in the paper that has given by the dean’s office.

    Students Just have to click using computerized LAN Base Enrollment System. They don’t need to write all of their subjects, units, and time of schedule. They Just have to choose and select their subjects and others, if they are done, they are automatically enrolled. Statement of the Problem General Problem: How to have effective and efficient methods of enrollment system in Cainta, Catholic College to reduce the long process and recurrent of the students. Specific Problems: Is it more effective to have a computerized enrollment system than a manual process?

    Is it not a hitch to the students and parents who are going to enroll? Is it more reliable to have an effective and efficient enrollment system? Is it not be confusing for the users? What will be the result of having computerized enrollment system? II. Objectives of the Study General Objective: The proposed system by the researchers is possible to reduce the long process of manual, to save more time and to reduce of using papers during Enrollment, to reduce the recurrent of the students, so they will not get easily tired.

    Objectives of the Study: The proposed system by the researchers is possible to have a long manual process. There is a tendency that the other students that would like to enroll on that day, but they can’t be done because they were caught by an afternoon which is the office needs to close, and still they need to go back to school the next day. It will be easy because you Just have to sit down and login at the school website to select your subject, and your time schedule.

    It will reduce the difficulty of the student on writing The advantage of the proposed system is you don’t need to fall in line Just to wait for your turn, to enroll, because the other one still need to complete their requirement, because you cant go inside the office while it is crowded. The enrollment system that we proposed will not be having a mistake, because it is no longer manual process, because in manual process, the MIS sometimes were aving a mistake of encoding the subjects of the students.

    We proposed to have a successful Enrollment system, and to avoid long manual process, to save the papers, and to have a value of time. Ill. Significance of the Study The study will prove to be the greatest benefit to the: The researchers will entrust that the study will be a great benefit to the school campus to manufacture the system we are proposing. Researchers: The study will serve as guide for the future Enrollment that we conducted. College Students: The result of the study is will help the students to enroll fast and orderly. Teachers/Coordinators:

    The Teachers and Coordinators will no longer provide anything, and they will reduce the expenses of using papers, ballpens, and Inc. that is used in manual process of enrollment. The LAN BASE for enrollment that is automated machine will help you to reduce the use of papers, ballpens and Inc. and to value the time. l. Methodology The Research Methodology Descriptive Method was used in this study; it is efficient in 3rd year College student to enroll. Enrolment systems like this can provide a great form of contact in that most of them actually include email addresses and other forms of online communication.

    This lets students get in touch with their teachers and other staff with ease, so that they do not have to look around the institution to be able to get in touch with somebody. Survey Method Survey was supervised to the selected student’s it is used to gather all of the student’s opinion about our system, in this method we will know if the student are they Just have to answer it Yes and if not they will answer is No. In this survey we can see how efficient the proposed system is. Internet We used internet to research more about our proposed system to expand our knowledge about Enrollment system.

    II. Scope and Limitations The following is the Scope of the System: It can manage to handle the student information and function the system well. The 3rd year students can easily be done at enrolling without any difficulties. 3rd year students of BSCS can only use it. The students are automatically enrolled when they login to system at the school after they select their subject and schedule. The following is the Limitation of the System: Only 3rd year BSCS can use this system Only Schedule and Subject will be shown. Chapter II Existing System l. Definition of terms

    Simultaneously – all together, at the same time, concurrently, in chorus, in concert, in the same breath, in unison, together Allied – Joined by or relating to members of an alliance: allied territories Rationalized – to think about or describe something (such as bad behavior) in a way that explains it and makes it seem proper, more attractive, etc. Streamlining – the path of a particle in a fluid relative to a solid body past which the fluid is moving in smooth flow without turbulence Gauge – something that can be used to measure or Judge something else Initiated – Cause (a process or action) to egin: “initiate discussions”.

    Variety – The quality or state of being different or diverse; the absence of uniformity, sameness, or monotony. Accorded – Give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition): “the powers accorded to the head of state”. Sapphire – A person who is easy-going, fun to be with, sexy, capable, daring, sassy, around and know the value of fun. She is a person who doesn’t take life seriously yet can cheer you up anytime. Also a type of person who will try to help those in any way they can. Diocesan – a bishop having Jurisdiction over a diocese Indelible – Making marks that cannot be removed.

    Parochial – confined or restricted as if within the borders ofa parish : limited in range or scope (as to a narrow area or region) Internet- is a network of networks. It is a global network of a networks linked by private and public telephone lines, and by microwave and satellite connections LAN Base- A system that links together electronic office equipment, such as computers and word processors, and forms a network within an office or building. Survey- To examine or look at comprehensively. l. Context Diagrams Student Viewing and listing of the subject And Schedule Enrollment Form Evaluation

    Complete Evaluated Ill. Data Flow Diagram Unofficial Form enrollment system works with paper and pen. First of all, in enrollment, is first come first serve. Students need to get 3 papers to list the subjects, and then straight to registrar’s office to evaluate first the subjects, especially to those students who have a back subject, and to know the pre-requisite of the subject, and then straight to MIS to encode the subject. In paying the tuition fee, there is a plan, A,B,C, and D. In plan D the students can pay monthly.

    Then last in finance office. Objectives of the Present System The objectives of the present system are to organize the enrollment system, to follow the flow how the enrollment goes on, so it will not be difficult for the students to enroll. Capabilities of the Present System The capability of the present system are encoding the system in MIS, to organize the subjects, using computer technologies. And one of the capability, they can make the web page of the school for the students to be updated in any activities or important events.

    And specially if there are no classes they will automatically post it on the web page so the other student doesn’t have to call at school. Limitation of the Present System The limitation of the present system is the student cannot enroll the pre-requisite of the subject if they got failed; they have to pass the subject first. In case they enrolled the subject, still it will not be recorded at the registrar’s, or it will not be valid. One of the limitations in classroom, the students are not allowed to be absent in 3 days, if they are absent in one week, automatically they have to drop the subject.

    Three late is equivalent The Proposed System A. Definitions of terms Development plan – Development planning happens in many different contexts so to efine it succinctly is tricky. Basically development planning refers to the strategic measurable goals that a person, organization or community plans to meet within a certain amount of time. Usually the development plan includes time-based benchmarks. It generally also includes the criteria that will be used to evaluate whether or not the goals were actually met.

    Courses – The noun course can refer to a series of lectures, discussions, or other lessons in a particular subject. To graduate from high school, you have to take certain courses in English, social studies, math, and science. Naturally, you want to ass them! Manual Enrollment – Own maintenance programs and manuals, and different types of aircraft. Maintenance can be very different for a turbo propeller airplane, a Jet engine airplane, or a helicopter, although their core maintenance activities are similar.

    Since geography, environment, work environment, etc. combine these differences, airlines must have qualified staff that know the maintenance process, especially because they will do more than Just technical, monitoring, and engineering tasks and their related paperwork Irregular Students – An irregular student is unable to flow the subject sequence of he subjects outlined in the program curriculum, due to reason of failure, dropping, leave of absence, and/or shifting.

    The program may or may not be finished within the immediate prescribed number of semesters/years. Enrollment System – Enrollment system is the way the enrollment takes place for education or anything else that needs enrollment done. There are different enrollment systems based on organization. There may be online enrollment, paper enrollment and in person enrollment. Tuition fee – The tuition fees for which you are liable and the financial support you are classed as a Home .

    Administrators – The definition of an administrator is a person who is in a position of authority or who manages people, practices and policies Laboratory – A laboratory is a place where experiments happen, usually scientific experiments involving chemicals and lab coats, but there are creative and athletic laboratories too, where people experiment with writing and footballs. Library – A library is a collection of sources, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is housed; it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual.

    In the more traditional sense, a library is a collection of books. It can mean the collection, the building or room that houses such a collection, or both. The term “library” has itself acquired a secondary meaning: “a collection of useful material for common use. ” This sense is used in fields such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, electronics and biology. It can also be used by publishers in naming series of related books, e. g. The Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology. Libraries often provide a place of silence for studying. B. Context Diagram Encoding Subject and Time Adding User Updating Database

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