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    Poverty And Its Effects On America Essay

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    I remember the days spent living in hardship, similar to countless others just trying to churn out a living from week to week. Hoping nothing unexpected would come up since I didn’t have any wiggle room for additional expenses. Somehow, I always made it by with what little I had, making the best out of a tough situation. I was always thankful for the fact that I lived in a country where I was able to at least manage to obtain to the basic necessities to survive. Although numerous people struggle with money as I once did, and lack the possessions that most would call standard, true poverty in America has virtually been eliminated.

    How has poverty been eliminated? It is worthy question to ask, being that it is often purported that poverty in America is affecting millions of lives. The question we should be asking is what is the true definition of poverty? How is poverty different from being poor? It is normal for a person who lives by meager standards, to reason that they must qualify as being impoverished when there is such an abundance of wealth all around us in this nation.

    After all, this nation produces over 15 trillion dollars a year in goods and services, which equates to 20% of the gross production of the entire world. This is quite the feat, being that only 5% of the world’s population lives in America. Nevertheless, when you are struggling to make ends meet, this fact can seem inconsequential. Yet, compared to the rest of the world, it is clear that while scores of people in this nation are poor, that the conditions in this country cannot be compared to the poverty being experienced in other places around the world.

    Countries such as the Congo, the birthplace of Serge Ibaka of the Oklahoma City Thunder, Indonesia, or Nic. .tts and Hawaii. While the government does contribute a large share of assistance, it should be noted that additional support is given by the caring citizens and businesses that donate to the local shelters, food banks, and non-profit clothing outlets. In conclusion, while poverty in the United States has been put on its heels, there is still work to be done. It is not enough that we ensure that the basic needs are being met, on account of the fact, that if we stop there, people could become trapped for generations in a cycle of needing government assistance.

    Their true potential having never been realized, and their children growing up, to believe that living on government programs is the way of life. It is imperative that we find ways to help people move from dependency to financial freedom. Only then, will they truly feel they are a part of the American Dream?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Poverty And Its Effects On America Essay. (2019, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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