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    Possibility of Success with College Education

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    What does it mean to be successful? Many people see the word ‘success” and immediately different perspectives are thought of. The dictionary defines success in two ways: the accomplishment of one’s goals and then the attainment of wealth or position. I believe anyone can achieve success in those two aspects as well: an individual can be successful in their career and another individual can be successful by doing what makes them happy and living a fulfilling life to their standards. When asked what it takes to be successful in college, that’s a different story. To be successful in college is to reach your personal academic goals in a productive way while grasping a balance of core skills needed in college and beyond. Based on this I will be successful in college.

    College students face challenges in order to complete their studies, overcoming these challenges teach them how to be a self-reliant individual. This is a skill that is essential to have even in the real world, after college. Having the ability to meet deadlines is going to help myself by finishing papers, assignments, passing tests and in general getting the grades I need to satisfactorily complete my degree. A part of being independent includes being able to set and achieve goals for yourself. My goals in college include graduating with honors as a long term goal. In order to graduate with honors, I need to get good grades, and to get good grades I need to attend class every day, study and prepare for exams. Goals are very important; every decision you have to make is going to take your goals into account.

    An essential skill that will help me to succeed in college is to have good communication with my professors. Instructors are students most important resource through our college years. Mastering this will help me with just about anything; keeping up with grades, going over questions that I have on the homework assignment so that I don’t make the same mistake on the test. Professors can be a friend if students let them. They really are there to help students succeed. In “Student Guide to First-Year Composition” Sugie Goen-Salter writes, “When you are a student in a first-year composition course, your instructor is your most important resource.”(50) Goen-Salter is saying throughout all of the resources you’ll have in college your main one will be your instructors. I will talk to my professors about anything; the weather, how their day is going, what they had for breakfast, etc. The purpose of your instructor is to be your guide along this journey of life. If I keep in good contact with my professors I will never be unsure about what is being asked of me.

    Lastly, college isn’t all about academics; college is also about networking and building a base. Networking is one of the most important and rewarding things a person can do for their career. By the time I am set to graduate it’s a bit late to begin building connections if I am looking to get a job that has some correlation to my career choice. I started researching local hospitals and clinics where I could possibly take advantage of any internships or shadow opportunities available. Even an informational interview with someone in my career field would be valuable to me.

    To be successful you must make difficult decisions, you must know what you want to accomplish and create a strategic plan as a guideline to get the ultimate results you desire for your life. College is one of the tools you can use to be successful because it gives you the necessary skills to succeed and prepares you for a career.

    Being successful in College will show you what determination and commitment can do; it will give you the trust you need in yourself to get anything you want in life. Through this, I am certain I will succeed in college and beyond.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Possibility of Success with College Education. (2021, Aug 19). Retrieved from

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