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    Poetry Analysis for “Sunshine” by Matisyahu Essay

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    Mantissas uses symbolism to define the deeper meaning of never giving up in his so Eng. In “Sunshine”, the artist says, uniform my golden sunshine”, which symbolizes the center of happiness in life. The artist is telling someone that they are his golden sunshine which translates t o something such as “you are the light of my life”. The audience is told that there is someone or something out there that keeps him at his peak of happiness and also benefits his eagerness in life. Another sys mambo in this song is he shelter that the artist refers to when he says “I’d be your shelter from the storm”.

    This particular line is both a symbol and a metaphor. The artist is the actual “shelter” to which he refers t o, and symbolizes safety and security. He would protect that person from the bad things thrown at the m in life. Although both lyrics are only a small line, they generate a deeper meaning than what is actual y portrayed, which makes this song so great. Imagery is a very creative device that is used in the song. “It’s raining in your mind, so push hem clouds aside” is one of the lines that display it. In addition to imagery, this line I s also a form of Dry 2 personification, because the mind does not actually rain.

    This line means that the per son Mantissas is referring to is thinking in a negative way, or only of bad things in their life, and what t hey really need to be doing is forgetting about the negative and focusing on the positive go eye should be happy Poetic about. “Reach for the sky, keep your eye on the prize”, is both a hyperbole tenement. This line anticipates the type of goal the artist has for himself, and advice he Keep looking forward or keep your mind set on your goal, because there is never a limit In “Sunshine”, there is a variety of figurative language that is used. Found beneath my feet gone”, is a form of alliteration and metaphor. The artist is telling e that he lost the steady foundation in his life which kept him sane and practical. One of the s of metaphors/ similes are “Time to grow and be a man, want to fly high like Peter Pan”. T eying that it is time to take responsibility for yourself and learn new things in lie hey are part of what s needed to become successful and happy. These types of figurative Ian De in the song to communicate interest and creativity, which is another reason why “Shuns eve.

    Without a tone, songs and poems would not have emotion. The tone of “S confident and faithful, as if no one could give up on anything when listening to this hole chorus where it says, “Reach for the sky, keep your eye on the prize, forever in my mind b sunshine. It’s raining in your mind, so push them clouds aside, forever by my side, you’ n sunshine” shows how positive the artist is in the song. He is saying to never give up and al n your goal because it can be achieved no matter what.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Poetry Analysis for “Sunshine” by Matisyahu Essay. (2018, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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