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    Poet of protest, Faiz Ahmad Faiz

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    Fizz Mad Fizz was an Influential left-wing Intellectual, revolutionary poet, and one of the most famous suggested his complicated relationship with religion In general and Islam in particular. He was, nevertheless poets of the Urdu and Punjabi languages from Pakistan. A rising figure and notable member of the, inspired by South Sais’s Suffix traditions. Fizz Aimed Fizz was born in Shallot in Pakistan. He studied philosophy and English literature, but poetry and politics preoccupied him more than anything else.

    Progressive Writers’ Movement (PAM), Fizz was an avowed Marxist- unionism, long associated member of the Russian-backed Communist Party and was a recipient of Lenin Peace Prize by the Soviet Union in 1962. Despite being repeatedly accused of atheism by the political and military establishment, Fall’s poetry was Like flowing water making Its way straight to the heart of readers. For writing poetry that always antagonizes the ruling elite and challenges colonial and feudal values, like such rebellious writers as Nigh of Kenya and Darkish of Palestine, Fizz had to go to jail repeatedly during both colonial and postcolonial times In Pakistan.

    HIS poem ring Imprisonment “Callahan Mama” Apart from love and romance some running themes in Fizz, s, poetry are also social justice, loneliness, depression oppression, incarceration, hopelessness longings, distances, rottenness and exile, and love for his country. In his throbbing words, one could sense his mind and heart speak with passion, his sensitivity, his outrage for social Injustice and cruelty rarely seen In Urdu poetry. He is generally regarded in the same group of poets that include the traditionalist Goalie and the philosophical Cabal.

    Fizz admires both, but he has his own unique brand to conquer the hearts of readers. Like on the Indus-Packard, he wrote “Blackout”, with some very painful lines which show his utter grieve about the bloodshed of innocent people and the dark nights which raised Its smeared claws to everyone. From the time the lamps went out have been searching The ground, For my both eyes lost somewhere Dry. Laudable Visalia translated most of Fizz, s poems in Russian and was his dear admirer and she also elaborated in her speeches and writings as well to acknowledge his contribution for literature.

    A Tribute to Fizz by T. Beth In a cruel sunless prison he breathes the freshest air, deprived of pen and paper is heart and mind speak volumes his soul soars, pierces the relentlessly cold skies. In harsh dry soil FIFO an unforgiving acorn. That’s Fizz! Fizz visited Bangladesh after it had seceded from Pakistan and become an independent country following a year of bloody civil war (with the Pakistan army responsible for horrific genocide in what was then still East Pakistan). Then he wrote this.

    The last line is almost certainly an allusion to the apology that was never offered to Bangladesh. – Beyond Hum Eke There Janis Hum eke There Janis kit mandatory eek bad (We who became strangers, after o many graces) -? Fizz The year 1971 saw the culmination of what was then termed the ‘Bengali problem’ in the shape of the trauma of Pakistanis second partition and the secession of East Pakistan to become the independent state of Bangladesh. While the problems had been simmering since independence in 1947, they had come to a head during the latter part of General Baby Khan’s rule.

    The bloodshed in Dacha and all of East Pakistan in 1970 and 1971 saddened many people reminding them of the trauma of 1947. After the creation of Bangladesh, the new civilian government of Cultivar All Bout offered Fizz a position as Cultural Advisor to he Ministry of Education, and after some deliberation, Fizz accepted. He had always considered culture an integral part of society, imperative to the development and uplift of a nation. In this position, he created the Pakistan National Council of the Arts as well as the Look Versa, the Institute of Folk Heritage.

    He assembled a group of volunteers and performed some essential, long neglected tasks. The local folk tales and stories of different regions were documented, folk songs were recorded and folk dramas were studied in detail. In addition, folk art and craft were collected from all over the country for the museum in Islamabad. Fizz was of the opinion that folk art was an inexhaustible source of inspiration for writers and poets. His own work shows clear signs of this influence, especially his ‘gets’ (songs).

    He continued his activities with the Afro-Asian Writers’ Association as well. In 1973 at Alma Ata, the capital of Astrakhan, Fizz was reunited with his long separated and dear friend, Jaded Career. Their happiness remained short lived though, as Career suffered a severe heart attack and died there. A grief stricken Fizz accompanied the body to Delhi and later composed Jaded Career Eek Anna (In memory of Jaded Career). In 1974, he was part of a delegation that accompanied Prime Minister Bout to the new state of Bangladesh, to repair relations the dismemberment of Pakistan.

    While the official visit did not accomplish much, Fizz, at the request of Sheikh Maximum Raman, an old friend, composed his famous Take say whaps par (Return from Dacha) to express his sadness: Mere Dill, mere muscular Huh pair say husk said/ eke watt bad hon. hum Tums (My heart, my traveler, the order has gone forth again/that we be exiled) -? Fizz August 1977 saw the end of the Bout government through another military coup, thus ending a relatively calm erred in Baize’s life.

    Once again, the government and all civil institutions were suspended, all political and trade union activity was banned, arrests began and, for Fizz, it was dJГ vi all over again. He was again put under constant police surveillance, his every move watched. He could be arrested at any time, and finally decided to leave the country on his own. Bout, the hanged Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1974.

    Here he was told that Pakistani collaborators had killed Professor Minor Chowder and Caddishly Kaiser along with other Bengali intellectuals on the eve of surrender of Pakistan Army. Because of protocol, Fizz could not meet many of his friends and admirers and some of his friends like celebrated Bengali short story writer Showiest Susan did not come to meet him because Fizz had not protested to the Pakistan Government for the killings of Bengali intellectuals.

    He became depressed and wrote two poems in Urdu after his return from Dacha. Those two poems were translated in various languages including Bangle. These two poems are “Dacha See Whaps” (On Return from Dacha) and “Pain See Luau OK Dhow Dale” (Wash the blood from your feet: In the first two lines, Fizz hammed Fizz is Just lamenting upon the partition of pack- Englanders after a horrible bloodshed which turned upside down the history of Pakistan.

    A part of Pakistan which was used to be known as eastern Pakistan, was recognized as Bangladesh on the globe of the world 1971 afterwards and this incurable trauma was given by not Just external traitors but this damage was done with escalation (provoke) by internal exclusiveness(plotting). The poet is Just wandering that all people of Pakistan and Bangladesh are now become like strangers to each other as if they never ever met before and behavior of people have changed after this devastating partition , they are no more acquainted to each other.

    Poet is describing these strange behaviors that how much time is going to be taken to be friendly like the past scenario. In next two lines, He is trying to showcase the scenario of Bangladesh after a horrified bloodshed that ruined the greenery which is symbolized as lives of Bangles, it disturbed the all condition of Bangladesh now that Fizz is wondering that how much time it is going to take reform the lives of people out there and to vanish the stains which took place on the minds and hearts of people.

    The season of rain is interpreted as the time to show the long duration of mime which will be taken to forget the blooded memories of war. Fizz is depicting the further condition of Bangladesh in third two lines; he is fully aware of the feelings of people of Bangladesh as if they all belong to him.

    He is deeply feeling the state of unexpected life of people that it was the hardest time for them to adjust in any situation, there was always an unsteady tantrum which witnessed that there was going something beyond people’s expectations and thinking. He is further describing his condition when he visited the country that he desperately wanted to console the arrows of people after such blood stained memory of war but poet himself was so heartbroken and he was so sad on this partition that he couldn’t sooth their sadness and sorrows.

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    Poet of protest, Faiz Ahmad Faiz. (2018, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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