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    Poetic Devices Argumentative Essay

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    A symbolic narrative in which the surface details imply a secondary meaning. Allegorically takes the form of a story in which the characters represent moral qualities. The most famousness In English is John Banyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, in which the name of the central character,Pilgrim, epitomizes the book’s allegorical nature. Alliteration: Repetition of initial consonant sounds in a group or words close together. P tater p kicked a eek of sickle peppers. Antagonist A character or force against which another character struggles.

    For instance, Incorporates O Othello , Ago is the antagonist. Assonance Repetition of a vowel sound. He glee lived FRR and sys. 3 lads: A narrative poem written in four-line stanzas, characterized by swift action and narrated in direct style. B lank verse: A line of poetry or prose In unrushed Iambic pentameter. Shakespearean sonnets,Million’s epic poem Paradise Lost, and Robert Frost’s meditative poems such 1 OFF of “Birches”: W en I see brandished to left and right / Across the lines of straighter darker trees, / I like to think some boy’s bioengineering them.

    C caesura : A strong pause within a line of verse. The following stanza from Hardy’s “The Man He Killed” countersignatures in the middle two lines: He thought he’d ‘list, perhaps,Off-hand-like–Just as I–Was out of work-had sold his traps–No other reason why. Chi react: An imaginary person that inhabits a literary work. Literary characters may be major Orrin, static (unchanging) or dynamic (capable of change). In Shakespearean Othello, Desman is major character, but one who is static, like the minor character Bianca.

    Othello is a major character is dynamic, exhibiting an ability to change. Chi ratiocination: The means by which writers present and reveal character. Although techniques of characterization are complex, writers typically reveal characters through their speech, dress,manner, and actions. C lima: The turning point of the action in the plot of a play or story. The climax represents the point greatest tension in the work.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Poetic Devices Argumentative Essay. (2018, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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