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    Poem Descriptions

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    There will Come Soft Rains
    In the poem, “There Will Come Soft Rains,” alliteration is the most obvious sound device. The feelings I get from reading the alliterations is the warmth of the unity, like in the line “and swallows circling with their shimmering sound. ” In “There Will Come Soft Rain” the quality of nature is life and resilience. Alliteration shows the flow and rhythm of nature in the life. There is repetition of similar sound endings pair.
    Meeting At Night
    In, “Meeting At Night” it is a unique rhythm scheme of the opposing lines has the similar sound endings using “1,2,3,3,2,1” In “The sound of Night” the two last lines in each stanza rhyme. . In “Meeting at Night” the quality of nature is beautiful at sunset. Repetition makes the poem melodic and romantic.
    The Fish
    In “The Fish,” the fish seems very wise, experienced and old. It also seems very grungy, down and dirty, and relaxed while swimming along slowly. Sight: “the dramatic reds and black of his shiny entrails”
    Touch: “the frightening gills fresh and crisp with blood that can cut so badly”.I felt that the free verse poems had a lot going on and it was harder to follow The rhyme of “The Fish” is slow and heavy. Imagery is an important aspect of this poem.
    The Sloth
    .In “The Sloth” the most striking line was “still swaying gently by his toes” because it is a movement I can relate to and feel while I’m reading which gives me a clear picture.1. In “The Sloth” I picture a slugging mellow sloth cuddling onto his branch. Sight: “he’ll sigh and give his branch a hug” and “they’re upside down”
    Touch: “still swaying gently by his toes”
    The Christmas Sparrow
    “Christmas Sparrow” is jumpy and vibrant.The Christmas Sparrow is all over the place and young. . In “Christmas Sparrow” the most striking line was “On a chair, I trapped its pulsations in a shirt and got it to the door” because it gets straight to the point and has no personifications or metaphors. . For “Christmas Sparrow”
    Sight: “I could feel its wild thrumming against my palms”
    Touch: “wings against glass”
    The images in the Christmas Sparrow represents a jumpy and vibrant and young bird.
    In “Piano,” there are words with similar sounds at the end of the lines. Repetition makes the lines or sounds that are repeated more noticeable and effective. Having repetition also conveys a rhythm.
    “I weep like a child for the past”
    This person misses what used to be, and is very nostalgic.
    there are enjambed lines. For example, in “Piano” line 10 starts a sentence at the end and is finished in line 13.The enjambed lines make the poem flow nicely and it is more melodic.
    Sonnet 18
    Sonnets are a lyric poem written with a strict pattern of rhyme and rthym. From William Shakespeare “Shall I compare thee to a summers day” This Sonnet has a rythm sceme of abab cdcd efef gg. This devides the poem into four distinct line groups three quatrains, or four line units followed by a two line unit called couplet
    Sonnet 18
    The contrast that opens “Sonnet XXX” is “it is not meat nor drink”.3. The speaker claims that love cannot save or repair a human. 6. While reading “Sonnet XXX” I came to the conclusion that sonnet relates to its quatrain and couplets because the sonnet is about “love is not all” and the couplets and quatrains show that we cannot live with only love. The couplets and quatrains show that “love can not fill the thickening lung with breath”.
    Lord Randall
    It is a ballad. Lord Randall has been hunting in the woods. Lord Randall has been poisoned by love, and is now love sick. 4. “Lord Randall” is a traditional poem because it consists of 4 line stanzas with a simple rhyme scheme and narrates a single tragic incident through dialogue.
    What is the woman’s situation in Midwinter Blue?
    The woman gets her heart broken because the night before Christmas her lover leaves her.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Poem Descriptions. (2018, Jan 03). Retrieved from

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