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    POE, the Poet, the Opposed, the Exquisite Essay

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    POE, the Poet, the Opposed, the Exquisite Edgar Allan Poe was an exceptionally captivating person who became an artist, a writer, and an alcoholic gambler. Before the age of five, Edgar Allan Pope’s mother died and his father abandoned him. He had written many stories and poems that resembled his life but the main ones that resemble him are, “Enable Lee” and “The Tell Tale Heart. ” The poem, “Enable Lee” captures Pope’s devastating life, whereas, the short story, “The Tell Tale Heart” captures Pope’s unusual life. Pope’s unusual and devastating life influenced his writing as demonstrated through, “Enable Lee” and The Tell Tale Heart. Pope’s devastating life Influenced his writing as demonstrated through, “Enable Lee. ” In the poem, “Enable Lee” Poe states, “So that her highborn kinsman came and bore her away from me. ” This quotation relates to Pope’s life showing how the highborn kinsman was consumption that led to Valances death, Valhalla being Enable Lee which had contributed to his devastation. It Is so devastating how strong a love Poe and Valhalla had and It had been destroyed. In this poem, “Enable Lee” the narrator also illustrates, WTFO shut her up in a sepulcher in his kingdom by the sea. This quotation relates to Pope’s life illustrating how Pope’s and Virginians love had been destroyed because of the passing of Virginia. It is so devastating that the passing of his wife, Virginia, would leave such a mark in his heart and mind and devastate him so much. In the poem, “Enable Lee” Pope’s devastating life is demonstrated through the text. Pope’s unusual life influenced his writing as demonstrated through, “The Tell Tale Heart. ” In the short story, “The Tell Tale Heart” Poe explains, “This disease had sharpened my senses. This quotation relates to Pope’s fife showing how this ‘disease’ is consumption in a different form which has ruined his life. It is so unusual how he has a disease in his head making him insane in a haunting way. In the short story, “The Tell Tale Heart” the narrator also notes, “l heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. ” This quotation relates to Pope’s life supporting how his ‘disease’ would make him hear voices from his loved ones that have died of consumption. It is so unusual how he would listen to his loved ones like Virginia and have memories of her.

    In this short story, “The Tell Tale Heart” Pope’s unusual life is demonstrated through the text. In the poem and story, “Enable Lee” and “The Tell Tale Heart” Pope’s unusual and devastating life influenced his writing as demonstrated through these texts. There are many pieces of evidence In these two texts resembling Pope’s life. In “Enable Lee” Poe states, “So that her highborn kinsman came and bore her away from me” Poe also Illustrates, “To shut her In up In a sepulcher In this kingdom by the sea. ” Thus you can Imagine how much of a devastating life he had. In, “The Tell Tale Heart” Poe explained, “This disease had sharpened my senses.

    The narrator also noted, “l heard all things In the heaven and In the earth. ” Thus showing how unusual his life had been. Pope’s writing Is extraordinary and captures the attention of anyone that Is looking for a unique Interesting read. By Sequestered “The Tell Tale Heart. ” Pope’s devastating life influenced his writing as demonstrated showing how the highborn kinsman was consumption that led to Virginian death, Virginia being Enable Lee which had contributed to his devastation. It is so devastating how strong a love Poe and Virginia had and it had been destroyed.

    In this memo, “Enable Lee” the narrator also illustrates, “To shut her up in a sepulcher in demonstrated through these texts. There are many pieces of evidence in these two kinsman came and bore her away from me” Poe also illustrates, “To shut her in up in a sepulcher in this kingdom by the sea. ” Thus you can imagine how much of a sharpened my senses. ” The narrator also noted, “l heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. ” Thus showing how unusual his life had been. Pope’s writing is extraordinary and captures the attention of anyone that is looking for a unique interesting read.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    POE, the Poet, the Opposed, the Exquisite Essay. (2018, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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