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    Physical fitness and physical activity are very im Essay

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    portant throughout my personal life. They are also important in planning my career goals.

    As I have grown up, I have always been an active person. Sports and physical activity have been a big part of my daily routine. Since I can remember, I have always been a part of a sports team. When I was not competing on a sports team in a sanctioned league, I was always playing some kind of sport with my friends for recreational purposes.

    It would be hard to imagine what life would be like without sports or physical activities. My friends and I have often discussed how difficult it would be to live without being active physically. I believe this attitude plays a major role in me choosing my career. When I thought about what I wanted to do with my life, I knew that it had to be something associated with physical activity and sports. As of this moment, I cant say definitely what my career will be, but I have given a lot of thought about going into physical therapy. I have also thought about being a physical education teacher.

    Regardless of which field I choose, I know I want to get into coaching. Coaching has always been a dream of mine. Choosing a career in physical activity is important to me because it is something I really enjoy doing. My faith has given me reasons for these decisions.

    I feel that God has given me a gift in the area of physical activity. He has given me that ability, physically, to be involved in sports. I feel like I should take advantage of the gifts and talents God has blessed me with, and use them to His glory. As far as coaching goes, in this day and age there is a tremendous need for positive role models, especially for our high school population. I believe I could have a positive influence on these kids. As Ive grown up, I have seen many coaches with the wrong attitudes.

    Many don’t care about the success of the athletes on or off the field, especially off the field. I want to teach the kids how to win in the game of life and well as in an athletic activity. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) is the maximal amount of oxygen the body is able to use per minute of physical activity. It is expressed as m1/kg/min.

    It is the best indicator of cardiorespiratory or aerobic fitness. The higher a persons VO2 max, the more oxygen the body is able to use during physical activity. It helps the person be able to exercise for a longer period of time, and at a higher rate, before becoming tired. Of the four VO2 max tests I took, I believe the step test reflects most accurately my current level of fitness. I believe this because it my VO2 max was the highest during this test. The other tests I participated in I could have exerted more energy than what I did, but I couldnt have done the step test any harder.

    In the past month I have been doing more cardiovascular workouts. I feel this has also raised my VO2 max. Muscle strength and endurance are necessary to perform everything you do throughout the day. Sitting, walking, running, and lifting all use muscles. Strength improves posture, personal appearance, prevents injuries, and helps to improve sports skills. Muscle strength in todays sports world is critical.

    Its necessary to improve your strength in order to compete with athletes of today. With the size of athletes increasing each year, the need to become stronger increases. Muscle strength and endurance are not only critical in sports, but also to lead a healthy life. Good strength seems to do more for you than any other fitness component. Flexibility is very important in daily life and activities. It is an area of fitness that is often forgotten.

    Most people dont give much thought to stretching their muscles and how it can improve everyday life. Flexibility helps in preventing injuries and low back pain. It also improves posture and personal appearance, as well as, helping to develop motor skills.I have been doing strength training .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Physical fitness and physical activity are very im Essay. (2019, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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