1. What is Physical Education? Physical education is the training In physical fitness and In skills that engages psychosomatic learning promoting such fitness. It Is the education through physical activity for the total development of the body and mind off person. It was once excluded in most societies, giving more importance to literacy. But once literacy was spread, it was included in school programs because of the awareness that fitness helped the mind.
In the West, people developed a teaching system for physical education. And as more public schools used these teaching systems, physical education Joined baccalaureate curricula, becoming a major In Columbia university in 1901 and elsewhere later. 2. What are the concepts of physical education? The concepts of physical education include improvement of physical fitness, self- discipline, strengthened peer relationship, and improvement of self-esteem and confidence of a person.
Physical education teaches people the value of physical activity in their lives so that they can avoid sedentary lifestyles. People who are active In team sports develop good interaction skills to achieve a common goal, thus strengthening peer relationships and building up confidence. . What Is the legal basis of physical education? The legal basis of physical education in the Philippines can be found in the Philippine Constitution of 1987, Article 14, Section 19.
It states that: 1) The State shall promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league competitions and amateur sports, including training for international competitions, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry. 2) All educational Institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.