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    Philosophy of Incarceration in the United States

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    Incarceration was the norm for punishment in the United States. It was believed that those who commit crimes. There are Four different goals of correction; retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation.Kifer, M., Hemmens, C., & Stohr, M. K. (2003).  Retribution is punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act.

    Deterrence is defined as the action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences. Incapacitation prevention of the individual from committing future crimes because he is removed from society and locked up or restrained somehow. Rehabilitation the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment.

    Again, as stated above incarceration can be defined as the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment. Within this broad topic there are a variety of subcategories. Juvenile; this form of imprisonment is for any minor (under the age of 18). People of this category are never placed in an institution that has adults within. While in juvenile detention there is often more of a strict code on reinforcement.

    These children can still turn their lives around. There’s an emphasis on school and discipline so while they are serving their time, they still most often have educational requirements to fulfil. Next Category is the level of prison. There are three different levels, Minimum, Medium, and High Security. Within each of these institutions there’s different levels of criminals.

    Minimum security level prisons are usually housing criminals that have not committed violent crimes, more often than not there’s those guilty of white-collar crimes within. These inmates are sent to facilities that offer a living environment, with fewer guards, and overall increased freedom.  (Types of Prisons., 2015). Next there are medium level prisons. This is where most criminals are housed for most crimes.

    There’s less freedom offered, and they are barred and actually locked up whereas in minimum security they might not be. There still is limited security within this level of prison. Lastly of the three there is High security prisons. Within these institutions contain the most dangerous and violent criminals. These prisons employ many guards and provide little freedom. These prisons have high security notice and usually are far away due to the fact of a prisoner escaping they’d have nowhere to go. Next form of imprisonment is Psychiatric.

    These inmates are housed in mental health facilities where they receive help, counseling, and medication as needed. They are considered to be high risk of harm to themselves and others so there’s always close watch. (Types of Prisons., 2015). Next form is military, every branch of the military (army, air force, marines, coast guard, and navy) have their own prisons for people who have broken military law. Many people say those contained within these prisons experience inhumane conditions and torture like conditions.

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    Philosophy of Incarceration in the United States. (2021, Sep 24). Retrieved from

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