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    Philosophy and Meaning of Life (579 words)

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    I can remember a little kid asking myself the question “why” in life. Life is beyond the state of physical and biological existence; it is also a platform for self-realization, which is viable by self-determination, improvement, and socialization. Different beliefs and options, we all live life in our own ways. Everyone has a different perspective on life and that determines how successful we are and how we behave. I like seeing the final product of things and I think that’s how I see life in my perspective on it. The philosophy of life depends on each person’s life experience and therefore everyone has a diverse point of view of the world as well as different beliefs.

    The choices we make could be based on our beliefs and how we see life. Some people take risks and don’t think of the consequences which are perfectly fine as long as we are living our lives and not living it how other people want us to live it. We should choose how we want to live our life because after all, it is our life. However, I believe being positive in life helps to look at the brighter side of a bad situation. How people see the bad situation is on them, they could make it look a lot worse than it really is. For example, having new friends is important but not as important as choosing the right one who will support us no matter what and guide us in the right direction.

    A restriction in the path shouldn’t stop us from going forward. For example, if we come across a wall on the road that doesn’t mean that we have to stop and not go forward or choose a different route, instead overcome that obstacle along with overcoming it we might fall a couple times before we finally succeed. If we choose a different route then we didn’t really want that path. We should live life with no guilt and without worries. I believe that we shall be grateful for every day of life because we never know when it’s our last day might be. In life, we should have goals to have a rewarding future for ourselves.

    When I’m cooking I like watching how the product develops and the final product. I think this is how I also view life and the choices that I make on a daily basis. For instance, if I want to start working out I know that the final product will be rewarding and for there forward I’ll want to be fit and eat healthily. From one output to another they will all lead on to each other and will help me grow as a person. I believe that everyone has a philosophy on life even if he or she don’t think so. It’s important to have a philosophy because it will help you keep your priorities straight.

    The philosophy of life depends on each person’s life experience and therefore everyone has a diverse point of view of the world as well as different beliefs. Asking those “Why” question as a child lead me to question what I believed in and how I saw it. Life is also a platform of self-realization which is viable by self-determination, improvement, and socialization. This has helped me realize how I see life and to live without regrets and grudges which will help me to be happy.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Philosophy and Meaning of Life (579 words). (2021, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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