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    Peter weirs film Gallipoli Essay

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    Peter weirs film Gallipoli demonstrates many of the characteristics deemed by Richard white to be part of the Australian type. In the movie Gallipoli it shows the characteristics of independence, Manliness, Fondness of sport, Egalitarianism, Dislike of mental effort, self confidence and a certain lack of respect for authority is all shown in the in the movie Gallipoli. The independence in the film gallipoli is strong in the Australian type.

    The independence Archie shows in the film had that Archie which was 18 at the time was eager to go to war but you couldn’t go until you were older so Archie went to a great deal to get to Gallipoli. Archie showed that he can be independent to succeed. It is interesting to note that manliness is shown a lot in the film. Archie shows that you are a man to fight in war which he went to all extents to get there otherwise he wouldn’t be called a man. Men are brave, strong hearted people. Archie had a friend which couldn’t ride a horse and he got teased and laughed at because you aren’t a man if you can’t ride a horse.

    Australians show their manliness in typical ways that men would. Alternatively Australians have a fondness of sport. Australians were so fonded of their sport they were invented football which is known as Aussie Rules which is a mix of Gaelic football and rugby. Archie fondness of sport was running against friends which normal Australians do today. Every Australian has a different fondness of sport. At the start of the movie it shows Archie fondness of sport is running which is part of the Australian type

    On the other hand all Australians believe that they are all equal because everyone has their difficulties. Australians show that all people should be equal promoting this ideal. Archie shows that he is not better than anyone else he thinks that everyone is equal The dislike for mental effort is part of the Australian type. It is shown in the film Gallipoli Archie wanted to travel to Perth but had no money so he jumped on the train without planning or buying a ticket which is a dislike to mental effort.

    Australians show this a lot in the movie. Self confidence or what might be regarded by some arrogance is certain dealt within gallipoli. Archie shows this in the start of the movie were he goes cross country bare foot. To show that he can win. Archie is very confident that he can do things he is set. Australians are self confident people. The larrikin who disregards authority is long associated with the Australian type, and is as entwined in Australian legend as that of Anzac.

    The setting of the film is ideal for weir to demonstrate. Archie was underage but is still trying to join up for war which is a certain lack of respect for authority. Archie doesn’t respect his local people. Australians have a little bit of certain lack of respect for authority In conclusion Australians show that they are independent, manliness, have a fondness for sport, egalitarianism, dislike of mental effort, self confidence and a certain lack of respect for authority which is shown in the movie Gallipoli directed by Peter Weir.

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    Peter weirs film Gallipoli Essay. (2018, Jan 30). Retrieved from

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