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    Personal Story – A Fighting Chance Essay

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    It all started on Christmas Day, I went to my friend’s house wondering what he received. When I approached the door an ominous chill went down my spine. When I knocked on the door my friend Ricky answered he said “Hey Elvis how was your Christmas? ” I said “pretty cool what did you guys get? ’ He said “I got a soccer ball but my brothers got airsoft guns. ” (At this point none of us had our own airsoft gun so this was a great thing. ) I did not realize it at his point but this was the beginning of a journey with his brothers, enslavement, and rebellion.

    Ricky’s brothers were two larger boys named Felipe and Kevin, both of them receiving an automatic airsoft gun, which to a young boy he was an amazing yet very frightening thing. Seeing as these two had abused us in the past in an older brother way. So Felipe and Kevin come out with their guns and then to our horror they started shooting at us. So we started running away now they were older, faster, and stronger than us so we did not get very far.

    So for the next three months every time I went over there he would have to take off our shirts, and get down on the ground and pick up airsoft BBs that they shot around. Now if we had refused to do this they would shoot us on the spot and we would not be allowed to go inside. We would have to work out there for about an hour or two a day before we got to go inside to do anything, so times like this were very unpleasant. As a kid I was bored often, so one of the only things to do was go to Ricky’s house. Most of the time Ricky did not want to come to my house because there was not really much to do.

    Thinking back on it having him come to my house would be a much less painful and probably more enjoyable thing, but in a way we were sort of having fun with the whole airsoft slave thing. So as the days went on me and Ricky would hang out, work and as soon as that ended we would be able to go inside and play on his Wii or stay outside and play soccer with his new ball. Thankfully the airsoft guns ran on batteries which his brothers did not have the greatest supply of, so occasionally they would run out and we would have a day without the work but these were few and far between.

    One day when we are working and Felipe and Kevin had a friend come over. Now there were three of them, Ricky and I were in a particularly annoyed mood at this time so I decided that I didn’t want to work today so I started to go home, now on my way Felipe and Kevin stopped me they said ‘no you have to keep working for another 20 minutes. ’ To that I replied ‘I do not want to I’m going home. ’ So they took up positions and were about to shoot at me, when Ricky came around back and tackled Kevin so I grabbed Felipe’s gun and started shooting the both of them.

    Being older they had a higher pain tolerance and this didn’t really affect them too much. We did not remember however their friend, who came up behind both of us and start shooting at us, so we ran and had Felipe and Kevin’s guns and we had to fight their friend Mike. Felipe and Kevin decided to sit back and watching at this point to see what was going on. Mike had a much stronger and larger gun so we were very afraid. We ran into the, woods next to his house, climbed up a tree and waiting for him. When he came in we started shooting him from above and throwing sticks and pinecones.

    Eventually he started shooting back but we had the tree cover as a good defense finally when he ran out of ammo we jumped down and tripped him. Then we took his gun ran away and went back to my house with all three of the guns. After this I suppose his brothers realized that they could not really control us the way they thought they could so the harsh slave treatments seemed to cease. That is not to say they stop using airsoft guns, they just gave us a fighting chance and gave us one. So we had a series of Airsoft wars and eventually it just became a friendly kind of thing and not a real fight.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Personal Story – A Fighting Chance Essay. (2018, Aug 13). Retrieved from

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