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    Personal Statement On Facebook And Facebook Essay

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    One day I travelled in Italy, in there I met my new friend Patricia. She asked me if I had Facebook. This is my first time to heard Facebook, Since Facebook was blocked in China.I asked my friend what Facebook was. She told me that Facebook was a social media to contact with friends and make new friend.

    She asked me to create a new account in Facebook. I said:” Ok, I will create it right now.” After creating Facebook, I liked chatting with friends in the messenger, sharing my life with my friends, reading interesting posts. I also made some new friends from Facebook. I thought that Facebook was a great invention. I did not have privacy awareness until I read this news.

    One day I read news as usual, one article grabbed my attention. It was about that a teacher was fired, since she posted a photo of drinking in the Facebook. Nowadays, employers not only screened resumes and conducted interviews, but also viewed applicants’ Facebook profiles. According to a survey, about three-quarters of recruiters checked out applicants on the Internet when hiring, and almost half of employers have rejected a potential worker after finding incriminating material like drug use, heavy drinking, sexually offensive materials, violent imagery found in the Facebook. Employers look as if the applicants present themselves professionally online. 51 percent employers said they Wanted to see if they would fit in with the company’s culture and wanted to learn more about their qualification; 35 percent employers said they wanted to learn if they are a well-rounded individual ,and 12 percent look for reasons not to hire someone.

    Since I was in the college and I would apply the job in the future, I was very care about my privacy on Facebook. After this thing, I . .e of a Federal-Level privacy protection law. The courts need to recognize that in the technology age, people have both virtual privacy and physical privacy. People should be able to control their own data, regardless of where it is stored.

    People should be able to make decisions about the security and privacy of that data. The Congress and Supreme Court should set a complete legal system of privacy in the internet, just as the Supreme Court eventually ruled that recording cell phone conversation was a Fourth Amendment search, requiring a warrant.Facebook is a social network website was launched by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004. As the first social network website in the world, it gives its users the ability to update their personal profiles, check their messages and chat with friends. With evolvement of Facebook, it always deals with the privacy issue of users.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Personal Statement On Facebook And Facebook Essay. (2019, Feb 14). Retrieved from

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