An amazing wit, an outrageous sense of humor, an worldly knowledge about life are all things that amazing sophomore, Julie Rhettington.
Suffering her younger years, Cassan learned to cope with insurmountable trauma. She learned to take care for direction. Although this put a strain on a diagnosis her family recently received, her The news took its toll, but Julie has risen from and has become an amazing and vibrant young been through, what makes this fifteen-year-old Blessed with a hilarious sense of humor, Juliefunny. She looks beyond momentary dramas and sees situations. Recently one such instance arose. deciding what we should do for a friends going everything was destined to go wrong.
The worst planning adventure was making our friend Katiegoodbyes. Time and time again the tape would cut re-record, etc. Using that wit of hers, Julie and turned the tape into this incredibly funny insidejoke. We started making up songs and doing littleskits and let everyone.
Making the tape a joke us to excuse away all of the awkward pauses andstart-over’s, etc. Julie’s demeanor also helpedde-stress the evening and made the party a Although usually thought to be an immature Julie’s ability to focus on the humor has helped Another amazing quality Julie has is her The ultimate optimist, Julie has this spark thatmakes most people love just being around her. of the various struggles she has been through, has a very compassionate understanding when people with their troubles. She is an excellent giver and a realistic problem solver. Julie has a smile on her face and is ready to make else feel good about them self. For instance, myfriend Katie had a problem with her family andJulie’s kind words and listening ear helped better the entire situation.
Julie’s spark has helped her in her own problems. Her ability to be loving has helped her forgive her sister and kept as the apple of her father’s eye. Although she that her father will probably pass on before shegraduates from high school, gets married, or haschildren, Julie lives day to day with a positiveAnother admirable aspect of Julie is her strong faced with strong obstacles loose hope and turn teachings. After dealings in witchcraft and Episcopalian background, through her friend Christian. She has since turned her life around chance for a life without drugs, alcohol, etc.
regularly and is an instrumental part of the has since lead her best friend, Rachel to Christ others. Although many would falter under all remains strong. Also, instead of self-pity for dealt, Julie shows gratitude for her life Julie’s extraordinary strength she would say love for her and his presence in her life. Julie is one of the most special people I joke that she is my ?adopted? little sister. We each other as “big sis” and “little sis”.
other great qualities make her one of my favorite world. Her ability to have a great attitude about gives me a respect for her that I don’t give to is a truly special girl and I hope that her Bibliography: .