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    Chapter Four Paragraph Essay (335 words)

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    Chapter Four Paragraph: Chapter four Was extremely revelatory in the fact that the provision Of the historical background paints a broader and more accurate view in addition to providing further insight into God’s methods and scheme to redeem the fallen condition of man. In addition, it is extremely significant that nearly 400 years passes between the Old and New Testaments. A general reading Of the Bible by an average individual in the faith would likely not reveal this information.

    On a side note, am interested in learning more in depth about this seemingly ignored RA where God is setting the stage for the Christ. Overall, the historical context was enlightening and personally the most significant point of interest in Chapter Four. This revelation about the “400 years of silence” demonstrates not only the need for constant learning and growing in the faith, but reverence for God’s redemptive plot for man. Chapter Five Paragraph: The text describes the development of the profession of Scribe as one of the most important developments in the postvocalic Jewish communities. Mind it so significant because there is an emphasis set on scholarly and academic professions. We do this today as well with the legal profession for example. The comparison between the scribe from the religious context and culture of Judaism and the lawyer of our postmodern American culture is likely the best comparison. Individuals with this profession oeuvre responsible (or most likely) for the longevity and consistency of knowledge passed down in the ancient texts. This profession was also highly influenced by religion where the opposite is true in modern society.

    The typological occupation, lawyer, is by no means influenced by religion institutionally. Nevertheless, the social strata Of the Scribe seems to be a pivot point where the common tradesman seems to concede validity or value to more academic professions. The final enlightening observation that the selection from the text about Scribes brings to light is the fact that the scribes would have had political standing Scribes were present in the body.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Chapter Four Paragraph Essay (335 words). (2018, Jun 15). Retrieved from

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