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    Oskar Schindler and the Famous List Essay

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    “”05-27-04The Holocaust was a long and unspeakable time, which caused millionsof Jewish deaths. The main goal of the Holocaust was basically to get ridof every Jewish person alive because of the hatred and jealousy towardsthem. The Germans saw the Jews as worthless job stealers. Oskar Schindlerwas a huge part of the Holocaust and saved hundreds of Jewish families.

    Hewas a German businessman who wanted to start a company during this dreadfultime. Thus, he found a Jewish accountant to help him start his company,which consisted of Jews making pots and pans for the Germans. They workedfor no pay but Oskar’s company saved their lives a good proportion of thetime. When Schindler’s Jews were close to being killed, they showed in themovie, Schindler’s List how Oskar would usually say, “You can’t kill myessential workers. ” In Schindler’s List, Steven Spielberg portrays OskarSchindler very realistically because he wants to keep the movie asrealistic as possible, compared to the book, Schindler’s List and actualHolocaust.

    In the beginning of the Holocaust, March 1943, there was liquidationin the ghetto and the Germans ran through Krakow and killed as many Jews asthey found because of their order to make the Jews vanished (Woggon I). The Germans basically just chose any house they saw, marched into it andkilled every Jew living inside. They continued 2to do so until almost all the Jews they could find were murdered. InApril, Goeth, one of the German leaders, received orders for the livingJews to burn the 10,000 Jews killed in Plaszow (Woggon I). In 1943hundreds of children, old and sick were killed and 2,000 Jews were sent toAuschwitz (Woggon 2). The sick and old people were the first to be shotbecause they were weak and “twice as worthless.

    ” The Jews waited for theorders to be sent to the deportation camps. When the Germans pack thetrains, they accidentally put Schindler’s most important secretary onto it. Schindler is extremely worried and goes to the train station right away torescue him. He warns a soldier to find his secretary or else he would bein huge trouble and so the soldier followed his commands. When Oskar foundhis accountant he yelled at him because Oskar could have lost everythinghis Secretary had done for him with the money.

    When the Jews weredehydrating in the train and dying for water, Schindler told the Germans tospray all the train carts with garden hoses. The Germans thought this wasjust his way of torture but Schindler was actually helping. The Jews that remained alive continued with the torturous orders givenby the Germans. All the Jews were now at death camps and could be shot atany random site. When the thousands of Jews were shipped off to theconcentration camps, their entire luggage was stolen and taken by theGermans (Woggon 1).

    The Germans just took the luggages and emptied out,every single item from every luggage bag. Once they emptied everything outthey looked for gold and all kinds of jewelry they could make good moneyout of. The Jews couldn’t say anything about this, so they avoided thesituation of their 3property missing. Although, everyone finally had hope when Camp Brunnlitzwas liberated and Goeth was hanged in Krakow (Woggon 3).

    As Oskar saw all these murderers, he thought of plenty of ways to savehis workers. The Schindler Jews basically saw Oskar as their only hope. He helped them when he was able to and kept them protected in his buildingby offering the Jews jobs at his factory. When Jews heard of Schindler forthe first time they heard of a speculator and charmer (Keneally 9). Therewere orders given day after day for the Jews to evacuate. All the Russianwere coming closer to Plaszow.

    Schindler started his company around thatexact time. For all of Schindler’s work, his friend, one of his Jewishworkers, gave Oskar a golden ring that had an inscription that said, “Hewho saves a single life saves the entire world. “By 1944 Schindler made a list of workers he really needed, “essentialworkers he couldn’t exist without. ” (Woggon 2) These were his hardestworkers who produced his products the best.

    All day the Jews made pots andpans and products for the Germans. Sometimes the Germans inspected howhard the Jews were working in Schindler’s Factory. If the Jews wereslacking off or not doing their job fast enough, the Germans would killthem. Also, if the Germans found a handicapped Jew or a really old Jew,they would shoot them because of there “uselessness. ” Schindler’s factorywas hurt by a series of harsh winters and had closed down at certain timesbecause of the machines being unable to work (Keneally 362). 4Spielberg’s Dramatic movie, “Schindler’s List,” was the main talk of1993.

    Movie critics had said, “It was simply the most commerciallysuccessful movie ever. ” Schindler’s List was an examination of the NaziHolocaust but it also carried within it an almost unbearably delicateobservation of human pain by being in black and white (Appelo 1). Themovie didn’t show every single detail but the quick deaths left you inshock most of the time. The boldness of Schindler’s conception is amasterpiece and an achievement like this is very unlikely to be duplicated.

    (Appelo 1)”The Polish setting was part of the perfection, the ground iscovered with blood like a walk on tombstones says, actor Sagal. ” Thesetting gave it most of the reality. Spielberg made a true masterpiece by making this movie so accuratelybased on the Holocaust. He chose to keep just about every detail there wasin reality. By portraying the true story of a German businessman who savedmore than 1,000 Jews during the Holocaust, Spielberg appears determined toprove he can make a movie that will defy all expectations. In and aroundCracow, Poland, Spielberg was making maximum use of original sites such asnarrow streets in the cities old Jewish quarter and the entrance toSchindler’s Factory because of the realistic scenes.

    The connection iswith the stories he has heard and remembered since childhood of relativeswho died in the Holocaust, with the film allowing him to chronicle thehorrors of the period. By focusing in on Schindler he also explorescomplex human behavior, “he wasn’t a classic saint,” meaning he was theopposite of the Jew’s enemies. Those Jews that have visited the set foundthemselves ill prepared to confront the authencity of the re-creation oftheir 5wartime traumas (Nagorski 1). Spielberg had made a true classic from thismovie.

    The scenes were so realistic that there were little to absolutelyno differences!

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    Oskar Schindler and the Famous List Essay. (2019, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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