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    Opposition to Mandatory Uniforms Essay

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    Everyone has their own style! Every student is different, so why not let them show it? Everyone dresses differently and that is what make them so unique. If you make someone wear uniforms, you are suffocating someone”s sense of personality. That is why I think that uniforms are not efficient. I am going to talk about culture and cost, individuality and uniqueness, and other cons that are against uniforms. This will cover all the disadvantages about uniforms needed in public schools all over Canada.

    Culture and cost are probably the main cons that are against uniforms. I think that some parents and children might have religious objections to uniforms. Others won”t participate for aesthetic reasons. If given a choice, it is hard to imagine that most teenagers will opt to not wearing uniforms. Most uniforms are expensive these days and some parents might have hard time to pay for it. In addition, they will have to buy regular clothes and uniforms. The parent who really doesn”t want the school to dress their child and who is trying to raise an independent-thinking child should be able to opt-out for any reasons,” said Larry Frankel, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union in Pennsylvania.

    The American Civil Liberties Union also stated that, “Purchasing a uniform is a mandatory cost which some disadvantaged parents are unable to afford. ” I strongly believe in these statements and it also proves my point. Individuality and uniqueness are some things that every kid has. This is what make all and every one of them unique and different.

    But when uniform are considered, they are not able to show their own way of style. All of them look the same. I think that hygiene, looks and personalities have to do with normal clothes, not uniforms. So unless people find a way to be perfect in everyone”s opinion, teasing and discrimination, debates on uniforms won”t stop. “My daughter likes to be individual, to wear what she wants. She doesn”t want to have to wear what everyone else is wearing. It doesn”t make her feel good about herself; it doesn”t make her feel special,” said a mother of a daughter in Pennsylvania.

    Looks like this mother really cares about her daughter”s personality. There are many other arguments against uniforms. First, they have no effect on safety or violence. Second, they have no direct bearing on students” academic achievement. Third, they teach an undesirable lesson about making choices based on internal values. And the fourth one, they violate students” rights to free expression and individuality. Many students do get uncomfortable to uniforms and they should have the right to opt-out for this. Uniforms wont-by themselves-make students safer or smarter,” said the Philadelphia board of education president, Pedro A. Ramos, in a press release.

    Children have strong rights which come to this point, “All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development,” said the International Covenant on Civil and Political rights. I chose this quote because this isn”t just for adults, it is for children too.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Opposition to Mandatory Uniforms Essay. (2018, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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