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    Opening an-inground swimming p Essay

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    Opening an In-Ground Swimming Pool

    Opening your in-ground swimming pool is not as hard as it looks. By following this simple guide, you will look like a professional pool attendant and save money too. Since most pools in the Wisconsin area are closed with a cover for approximately seven months out of the year, you must start by removing the pool cover.

    To remove the pool cover, you should drain off any standing water or debris that may have accumulated on the cover over the winter. The easiest way to remove the water is with a small drain pump and a push broom.

    Both of these items can be purchased at any hardware store. Lay the hose that is attached to the drain pump on the top of the pool cover. Try to place the hose at the lowest point on the cover. This will allow the standing water to flow to the lowest point and be sucked off the cover. Then lay your push broom on the cover and pull it back toward you, dragging any debris with it. After the cover has been cleared of water and debris, you can begin to remove the pool cover.

    Start at one end of the pool; begin by removing the sandbags that were used to hold down the cover during the winter. Use caution when lifting the sandbags and remember to bend at the knees when lifting the sandbags. Have two people assist you with the pool cover. Have one on each side of the cover so they can pull and fold the cover as you remove the sandbags, working your way to the other end of the pool.

    Now that you have the cover removed, you can check the pool’s water pump, filter, and waterlines. Look the pump over thoroughly; making sure that there are no frayed electrical wires.

    Check for cracks on the water pump casing, filter, and waterlines. If you are satisfied with the way, everything looks, then turn on the electricity. When the electricity is on you can turn the pump on for a few seconds to make sure that the impeller inside the pump is spinning freely. Shut off the pump after you have determined that everything is satisfactory. You can now go on to the next step.

    With the pool cover off and the water pump, filter and waterlines inspected, you need to add water to the pool to bring it to the proper level.

    The water level should be five to six inches from the top of the pool. Once the water level is at the proper height you can start the pump, hook up your vacuum hose, and clean the bottom of the pool, removing any leaves, dirt or algae that may have formed over the winter. Now that you have the pool cleaned you can put away the vacuum hose and move on to the final step.

    Take a small sample of water from the pool, about 16 ounces will do, and place it in a plastic bottle. Take the sample of water to your local swimming pool dealer for a water test. They will analyze the water at no charge.

    Once the water sample has been analyzed, they will recommend which types and what amounts of chemicals that you should add to your pool. Add the chemicals to the pool as recommended by the pool dealer and within 24 to 36 hours, your pool water will be crystal clear and ready for you to enjoy the entire summer. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Opening an-inground swimming p Essay. (2019, Mar 15). Retrieved from

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