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    Oliver Twist Argumentative Essay

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    They were not exactly pretty, perhaps; but they had a great deal of colour in their faces, and looked quite short and hearty. Being remarkably free and agreeable in their manners, Oliver thought them very nice girls indeed” Nancy had done many things to help Oliver when he was with Fagin. Nancy tried to make sure that Oliver didn’t get onto the wrong track and that he was getting the best for himself, Nancy had helped Oliver Many times even though she was a prostitute she was prepared to risk her life for a young boy who she had only known for a very little while, these events change what the reader thinks about Nancy.

    Nancy was a very little girl when Fagin and Sikes first brought her to their house and introduced her to the criminal world, she seemed to fit in and enjoy it there as time went by Sikes and Nancy both began to love each other, but the only way Nancy could earn anything was to take the path of prostitution, This path was also shown by Fagin and Bill Sikes. Now Nancy didn’t want Oliver to join Fagin and his lot like Nancy had ended up doing. When Nancy met Mr.

    Brownlow and Rose for the first time she began to cry because she was never treated this well by any rich person before, or maybe because she was shocked after she saw how they were treating, she probably wished that all the rich people had treated her this was instead of treating her like dirt. I believe this sort of treatment of the poor is the reason why they end up entering the criminal world. “The kind of this answer, the sweet voice, the gentle manner, the absence of any accent of haughtiness or displeasure, took the girl completely by surprise and she burst into tears”

    Nancy decides to go and meet Brownlow and Rose I would say that she shows a lot of courage and proves that she really is a good human being even though she is suspicious that someone might be following her she still decides to do the right thing by going to Brownlow and Rose. She proves that she really cares for Oliver and that she is even ready to give her life for him she feels fear and mentions it. “But I have such a fear and dread upon me to-night that I can hardly stand. I wish I did. Horrible thoughts of death, and shrouds with blood upon them, and a fear that has made me burn as if I was on fire, have been upon me all day.

    Bill finds out that Nancy has snitched because Nancy’s suspicion was correct she was being followed by Jack the artful dodger, who goes straight to Bill Sikes and tells him that Nancy has snitched on them all. So bill decides to go after Nancy and kill her, when he gets there she acts as if she was sleeping the whole time but Bill has none of it and starts to beat her with a bat, even after she raises her white handkerchief he remains hitting her until finally he kills her, the room was full of blood

    I think even though Nancy was a good character, she was made to suffer for all her good doings I think that was a little unfair, I thought she had helped Oliver at the time he needed help the most, so the fact that at the end she is killed feels a little unfair, Charles Dickens has done very well explaining how the rich thought they were superior over the poor and didn’t believe they deserved anything, an how they thought poor people were all criminals and did bad for a living, Charles Dickens proved that theory wring through this book.

    He has also created a paradoxical character for which the readers have felt very sympathetic, although she was a prostitute and should be shunned, She should her caring side and thus earned the sympathy of the readers. The End.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Oliver Twist Argumentative Essay. (2017, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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