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    None_Provided Essay Summary (699 words)

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    Seven years in Tibet portraits a renowned mountain climber and world traveler from Austria, named Henry. Henrys mission is to get travel to the top of Nanga Parabet, which is the fifth highest peak in the world. Nanga Parabet is in the Himalayas and is five thousand Kilometers high.

    During their expedition Henry and his crew encounter some bad storms which cause them to turn back and go down. On the way down they are captured and become prisoners of war. The time is the early 40s and Hitler was moving his men for world domination. The Austrian men where not in there and presumed P.

    O.Ws. They were shipped to a prison camp in India where they were kept. Henry tried escaping 4 times and was unsuccessful every time.

    In October of 1940 Henrys wife sent him divorce papers, while he was in prison camp. In September 1942 he is still in prison, but this is where he will make his escape with his expedition. The escape is successful and Henry goes off on his own. Henry is now in Northern India after being alone for a while he meets back up with his friend Peter.

    Henry and Peter, at this point have no idea where they want to go. They roam like Nomads through the Himalayas getting ridiculed by all the people they come across. They end up going to Tibet because it is the closet country to them to get food and shelter. Tibet is the highest and most isolated country in the world.

    Henry and Peter have a world of problems trying to get into Tibet. It is a sacred and spiritual country, them being foreigners get kicked out upon arrival of Tibet. After getting kicked out of Tibet they are escorted 40 kilometers to the boarder of India. However, before arrival to India Henry and Peter escape the guards and try again to get into Tibet.

    At this point it seems as if Henry is becoming a real jerk. He argues and complains, and treats his friend like garbage. Henry is constantly thinking about his son, whom he has never met before. He decides to write a letter to his son, which he does.

    Henrys friend Peter is becoming sick, his shoes are turning to pieces so they stop to rest. During the night raiders come through and destroy there tent and hunt for there things. They have nothing. Henry manages to grab one of the Raiders off his horse.

    He then takes the horse and rides off into the night. They come to a higher elevation in the mountains because there is a lot of snow. They eat the horse to survive, which shows their way of living, which is hard for them to get by because they take nothing for granted. The boy in Tibet is getting older and wiser soon he will be imperial.

    Henry and Peter both are ready to get into the holy city of Lshana. They encounter some problems with men guarding the holy city. Peter gives the man a piece of paper and tells him it is a permit to get into the holy city. The men are now in the holy city where the Dahlia lama is.

    The men are invited to lunch and stay with one of the towns people. The man who owns the house that Peter and Henry are at, goes to the ministry and Dahlia lama and tells them what he has done. Peter and Henry are then showered with gifts, of clothes and shelter. The Dahlia lama is eager to learn of the New World, that he has never seen.

    Peter ends up getting married. Henry is freelancing around surveying the land making maps. After hearing news that the war is over, Henry decides to leave and go back to Austria, but not before the Dahlia lama wishes to have him in his presents. Henry upon receiving the news is excited in a way.

    He goes to see the Great Mother, (which is the Dahlia lamas mother) she gives Henry a speech of proper etiquette to use around the Dahlia lama. He cant touch him, ask questions, look him in the eyes, or sit

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    None_Provided Essay Summary (699 words). (2019, Jan 30). Retrieved from

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