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    Nervous System Essay (417 words)

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    Nervous SystemThe two types of the nervous system are the Central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. They are responsible for integrating, processing, and coordinating Sensory data and motor commands the central nervous system, which interprets sensory input and carry information to maintain homeostasis. CNS can’t be regenerate because a CNS consists of the spinal cord that mean if it’s break the spinal cord is break also. The peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves that branch from the brain and spinal cord.

    It is a thick bundle of nerve fibers located within the spinal cord. The PNS can be regenerate and it will regrow. The brain and spinal cord are the main parts of the nervous system. The brain controls every part of your body and is located top of our head inside our skull.

    The spinal cord with controls our movement. Nerve cells contain 3 parts: dendrites, cell body and the axon. Dendrite is the receiving part of the neuron. It is a short extension of the cell bodyAnd send signals toward the cell body and the cell body conducts nerve impulses which in the transmission of the nerve impulses from the region to the other cell. The axon is a single extension carries the message to the next neuron, which controls all of the nerves.

    The nerve impulse is response of the neuron. There are 3 classes of neurons: sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons. Neurons are also called nerve cells. A sensory neuron takes information from a receptor to the CNS. A motor neuron takes information away from the CNS. An interneuron transfer information between neurons in the CNS.

    It also sending out signal to the muscles resulting in contraction or movement. Nerves impulse occurs when an action potential changes rapidly. When action potential occurs, the sodium gates will open as Na+ flowing into the axon the changes from -65mV to +40mV, this is call depolarization and during repolarization the charge as k+exits the axon from +40 mV to -65mV. Synapse is where each axon bulb lies very close to dendrite of another neuron.

    A molecules transmit across a synapse is called neurotransmitters which are stored in synapse. Our brain belongs to the section of the CNS. It made up of 3 main parts, which are cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem.Cerebrum is to control voluntary action: 5senses, movement and thinking.Cerebellum is to maintain normal muscle tone, posture and balance.Brainstem is to control the involuntary action: breathing, sleeping and heartbeat.Words/ Pages : 419 / 24

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    Nervous System Essay (417 words). (2019, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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