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    Nelson mandela Outline Essay (550 words)

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    l. Introduction A. Attention-Getter:” It always seems impossible until it’s done. ” -Nelson Mandela B. Present Topic: Nelson Mandela wasn’t Just any man, he was an inspiring man. Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa in 1994, serving until 1999. A symbol of global peacemaking, he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. C. Establish Significance: Nelson Mandela was a great man, most say a hero. I knew he was a hero when I first heard his quote saying, “It is better to lead from behind and to put others n front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur.

    You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership. ” – Nelson Mandela D. My Opposition: I encourage everybody who doesn’t know much about nelson Mandela to do some research on him and keep reading about his life and his accomplishments to see why he is such a factor in the world today. E. Preview Main Points: I feel that it is essential that people in this world know who Nelson Mandela is and what he did for the world. Nelson Mandela didn’t use violence to get his point across or to hurt people.

    He used his words and his knowledge to educate people. He was a peacemaker more than anything. II. Body A. Reading about Mandela can help you understand human forgiveness: 1. Its many reasons why and how Mandela can help you understand human forgiveness. Mandela has plenty of quotes that can help any person with forgiveness. 2. He also is a powerful persuasive speaker and Just listening to his words of wisdom can help hange someone’s look on life and forgiveness. B.

    Reading about Mandela can make the world better: 1. If we all educate ourselves about Mandela and his look on life and forgiveness then we would be able to spread our knowledge to other family and friends about him which can help make a change in the world. 2. If we all can be on one accord in the world it would make life so much easier to live knowing that we the people can work things out with words and not violence. C. Let’s think about what this will do for our society: 1.

    If we all can Just do our part in educating ourselves and others about Mandela and his legacy I think that people wouldn’t have to look over their shoulders as much as now because they are so afraid of being physically violated. If we Just use Mandela’s way of fixing problems the world would immediately be changed as a whole. 2. Just think about it, everybody talking out situations would make the worlds murder rate drop tremendously. Ill. Conclusion: A. The 3 main points that I talked about was, How can reading about Mandela help nderstand human forgiveness?

    How can reading about Mandela make the world better? And what this will do for our society? B. If you want to inform yourself more on Nelson Mandela and his accomplishments you can… 1. Read the book ” Long Walk To Freedom” by Nelson Mandela 2. Read about Mandela’s biography 3. You can even Google some of his quotes. C. Finality/Clincher: “A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly, knowing that at the that idea when you are arrogant, superficial, and uninformed. ” -Nelson Mandela

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    Nelson mandela Outline Essay (550 words). (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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