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    Name 1 Essay

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    Your nameYour teacherYour classDate SNOWBOARDINGBlue Sky, fresh snow and a board is all you need for a perfect day of snowboarding. Along with friends or family, and a half pipe or two. Snowboarding a sport often described as surfing on snow. Snowboarders descend a slope by standing sideways on a lightweight board about 5 ft long, attached to their feet. The sport, which originated in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s by a man named Larry Burton, borrows techniques and tricks from surfing and skateboarding.

    Snowboarding gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s, partly because it is easy to learn. Snowboarding can take place wherever skiing does, except on flat, cross-country trails. No poles are used, making it difficult to move on flat ground. Deep snow is ideal. Most winter resorts now have special areas for snowboarding known as halfpipes and snowboard parks.

    A halfpipe is a long, deep trench dug in the snow and shaped like a pipe cut in half along its length. Riders drop in the pipe, using the walls of the trench to launch themselves into the air and perform a variety of jumps and spins. Snowboard parks consist of easy to intermediate slopes Name 2along with a variety of bumps, jumps, gaps, and other features that riders use for jumping, or getting air, and doing tricks. Tricks range from riding backwards, called riding fakie, to spectacular spins and flips performed in the halfpipe. Some of those trick are very difficult and dangerous.

    One of those tricks is refered to as a 1080, which is a full three rotations in the air, these tricks are usually pulled off at mountains where man rarely sets foot. Most snowboarding competitions consist of both Alpine races and freestyle events. Alpine races resemble Alpine skiing events: A racer mustnavigatethrough a series of gates set on a hill, and the competitor with the fastest time wins. Races are designated slalom, giant slalom, and super giant slalom, depending on how close together the gates are set. The most popular freestyle event is Halfpipe which takes place in a huge half cut tube.

    Competitors perform tricks, which are judged by height, landings, difficulty, and other criteria. Other snowboarding events are boardercross and slopestyle. Boardercross combines aspects of freestyle and Alpine racing. Groups of four to six riders start together and navigate a giant slalom course with banked turns, jumps, and other features.

    The first two or three finishers advance to the next round until a winner is declared. So if I was to suggest snowboarding to anyone it would be you ~NAME OF TEACHER~. You could be rippin’ up on the slopes too.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Name 1 Essay. (2019, Feb 05). Retrieved from

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