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    My Personal Values of Life (832 words)

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    In life, it is very important to have personal values. Without them life could just pass you by like a flash. Personal values help you in ever day life, and in your professional life as well. It does not matter what they are as long as they are important and meaningful to you as a person. My personal values are Accountability, Calmness, Dedication, Health, and Passion just to name a few. In this paper, I am going to let you know as a reader why these are important to me, and why I chose these.

    Accountability is a major value to me, because without it my life would be all over the place. With no one or yourself to hold yourself accountable, life would be just a blur and pass you by and no one wants that. Without being accountable, you are not going to be a trustworthy individual in your workplace, or with your group of friends. When you are not accountable, people might see you as a lesser person due to the fact that they will not be able to trust you.

    I also find that calmness is a major value to me. Being calm can help not only help you in your personal life, but also in your professional life. Being calm during an intense or unfamiliar situation is key to being able to get out of them. The calmer you are the easier you will find life to be. Being calm helps you stay level headed and get any task accomplished no matter how hard or tedious it is.

    When you do not have dedication in anything you do in life, you feel like you are doing it for no reason at all. Being dedicated helps you love what you are doing and makes life better. Without dedication, it makes your work or life feel empty and incomplete. Dedication helps you stay on track with whatever the task you have at hand is. I believe that dedication helps me even in hard times no matter the job or personal issue. Dedication not only helps me be a better worker, but it helps me become a better husband, brother, and son to my family. My wife helps me stay dedicated with anything I do by giving me support when needed.

    Health is a super important, and probably my number one value. Without health, you will not be able to perform your job. Health keeps my mind, body, and soul intact so I can be the best version of myself, and perform to the best of my abilities. Without health, I would not be able to perform at my best at work, or in everyday life.

    My final value is passion. Passion and dedication sort of go along the same lines, and are very similar to me. Without passion you can’t have dedication, and the same the other way around. Passion to me means having a very deep interest in whatever task I am doing. When you do not have interest, you will not have dedication. I am very dedicated and passionate about my job because it gives me a sense of worth knowing that what I am doing has a major impact on life in the United States.

    I believe that each of my personal values are very comparable to the United States Air Forces core values of Integrity first, Service before self, and Excellence in all we do. Accountability, and calmness go hand in hand with Integrity and are close in hand in what they mean. Without accountability, and calmness there is no integrity. You will not have anything to keep you from doing what is right and wrong. Dedication and Passion go hand in hand with Service before self. Without dedication and passion, I lose my “why” in why I joined, and that’s to serve this country to the best of my ability. Health and Excellence in all we do are key to life. By having great health, it makes me feel like I am living the Excellence in all we do core value in real life. Health helps me perform to the best of my ability and get anything I put my mind to done.

    My personal and professional values are very in line with each other, and I believe that it helps me a better co-worker, and just a better person overall. If your personal and professional values do not line up, it makes work just a little harder, and makes you have to try more.

    Your personal and professional values might not always line up, and that is okay. As long as you can be the best you can be to your best ability at work, that is all that matters. It makes your work life and personal life easier when you love what you do for a living. When you do what you love, you feel like you are not even working, and that is what I strive for in life.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Personal Values of Life (832 words). (2021, Jul 30). Retrieved from

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