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    My Personal Testimony Essay (555 words)

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    I’m the luckiest person in the world – and I didn’t even have to play the lottery. What makes me feel as though I’m so lucky is the fact that I had to overcome some challenges as a child. The first challenge I completed before I turn five years old. Life has treated me fairly and I can’t complain about that and I count my blessing every day. I was able to overcome a heart surgery at a young age, have four great kids, and still have a healthy lifestyle. As a child, I was always sick and the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me.

    It wasn’t until my third birthday when my mother took me to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. At that time I was diagnosed will a heart defect and I learned that I had a hole in my heart, about the size of a pin hole. Although it was small, it was draining fluid and it was the reason that caused me to become very sick so the doctors had to do an emergency heart surgery. At this time my mom was scared and didn’t think I was going to make it. After a long five hour surgery was when I got my first lucky break.

    I was able to recover out of surgery with no known complications. The doctors did also informed my mother that I wouldn’t be able to have any kids or do extra activity, like for example, track, cross country, etc. My next lucky break in life was when I had my first child at the age of nineteen. Although, they told me I couldn’t have kids. I was not going to let that stop me from having kids and that made my OBGYN very scared of me. After having my first child with no complication, I went on having three mores healthy kids and all of my kids are two years apart.

    So, altogether I have four kids which consist of two girls and two boys. My last little girl was the specialist because she has one dark brown eye and one hazel eye. My finally lucky break is being able to have a healthy life. I’m bless because I don’t have to worry about the fact of being overweight or underweight. I keep in good health because I make sure that I’m eating right. I’m able to engage in sports or other fitness related activities and right now I’m currently sign up at LA Fitness. I’m also able to keep up with my kids and raised them the right way.

    Plus, I have a great job that can support me and my family, while attending school full time. In conclusion, although I had a hole in my heart at birth which in turn made me sick and then I had to have heart surgery at the age of three, I think life treated me fairly. Despise all the bad and negative things that the doctors told my mom that I wasn’t going to able to do. I have gotten a lucky break in life and I was able to do everything that the doctor said I wasn’t going to be able to do. So now I’m living a healthy life with my family and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Personal Testimony Essay (555 words). (2018, Aug 09). Retrieved from

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