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    My Online Friend Essay (683 words)

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    True friendship, to me, means no less than a blessing God sends His good children to improve their life better and back their good plans up in life. A blessing that everyone of us wishes to obtain in life, and sometimes, do anything possible and impossible to have. Does this relationship have that much value?!I say, yes.This relationship is very much valuable life is .And I am telling you why through these modest lines, and what I”ve reaped of it.

    Some day, I decided to surf the net and enter a chatting room to shoot the breeze with any one I come by. My depression and deep sadness of being alone, all time long with no friend to speak with and do that which usual between friends, moved me. I entered a room which I don”t recall its name now and found many chatters. All people in this room were chatting and having fun, at least that”s what I saw, except for me. I waited awhile hoping that God send me whom I had been in search of long time ago, and then I found a name I hadn”t taken notice of before. I hesitated for a second. And then I started to send her messages and, in fact, expected no response.Fortunately, the response came. With it my heart began to beat actively again. A gentle twitch went through my body to awaken all the sleepy, lazy parts and all obeyed the order and waked up.

    She said she needed a true friend. She needed someone to trust whether online or in the real life. My answer was curative to her; I told her that these weren”t too much for a person to find in his/her friend, and these terms exactly what I hoped to find in my friend. We spent some time chatting and having fun.Finally,I began to feel my presence in this world and in someone”s life. I began to feel and know that I wouldn”t stay imprisoned again in the loneliness rusty box. I thank God for sending her to me; I thanked God for sending me a blessing I hadn”t expected or planned for. I thanked Him for sending one of His angels to treat the cut and dress it. He really knows the appropriate time to send His good things to his children.

    She and I, now, have a healthy, spotless friendship. the impact this experience has on my life is greater than any other experience, at least for now. I happened to meet through this friendship that which made me strongly believe how wonderfully our life is planned by Him-God. I never thought for a second that this great shift might happen within me.Now, because of her, I can listen to everyone and judge no one. I can take every advice people give me and turn none down.She, my best friend, pushed my some of fears away, gave me the key to confidence and love. And now she”s” working on fixing a problem I got into. She has been doing for me what a true friend does for his friend. I suppose that everyone who will read these lines will get astonished and might not believe me. Life. I know it may sound pretty strange to know that someone has created a better-off version of another whom one has never seen.

    The change that occurs within everyone, most people believe, should happen in the presence of someone as a catalyst, or in the presence of a great happening to quicken this change.Nevertheless,this change has happened within me from a distance because of some girl I have never seen. Things don”t always happen this way. We may spend a lifetime with some one and no great shift in our life appears. We may also spend the whole life with some one who turns our life to a part of Hell. All I may think of as an answer is that the nature of life runs unexpectedly and funnily.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Online Friend Essay (683 words). (2018, Jun 17). Retrieved from

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