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    My final design Essay (569 words)

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    I will also get a picture and see what it looks like when it has been resized in a few different directions. The picture I will be using as my example will be: Implementation I have now inserted the incorrectly spelt words into a text box in Microsoft Publisher and then ran the spell checker by pressing the F7 button. This is the window I got when I opened the spell checker. I then had the choice to ignore the error or change it to one of the suggestions in the list. I chose to change to ‘smoking’ and so then the word is spelt correctly.

    I tired this with all the other words on the list and they were all picked up by the spell checker and so were corrected. I also found out that when a word is spelt incorrectly in Publisher the word is underlined as shown below. I will now resize my picture to see if the image is still clear. In Publisher it is very easy to resize pictures by pulling on the handles on the edge of the picture in the direction you want it to go. I will resize the picture horizontally, vertically and also diagonally. This is what the picture looks like when it at normal size at 150% zoom. I will call this the initial design.

    In this shot you can also see the handles needed to resize the picture. The next screen shot is of the picture after it has been resized horizontally also at 150% zoom. I can see that the picture has now become out of proportion and does not look very good. The next screen shot is of the picture after it has been resized vertically. Once again this has made the picture out of proportion and does not look very good at all. In fact you can’t really tell that it is the same picture. I will now resize the picture diagonally to see what effect it has on the proportion and clarity of the image.

    From this view I could see that I have enlarged the picture and the proportion stays the same. It is also at 150% zoom. This shows that when you resize an object diagonally, the proportionality and the clarity stay the same. I will now make the object smaller again by using the diagonal handle. I have now made the image smaller again so it is the same size as the initial size. I have now seen that when you increase or decrease the size of an object diagonally then the picture retains the same proportionality and clarity. I have now done my tests and have seen that the spell checker does work in Publisher and corrects incorrect spellings.

    I have also found out the best way to change the size of pictures which is to resize them diagonally. This keeps the pictures clear. I will now create the leaflet on Publisher. I will create my first version and then send it off to the Assembly asking them what I need to change in it. I will annotate my version 1 with the comments that the Assembly made. I will then proceed onto my final version which I will then spell check and then print off and send to the Assembly as the real thing. I will then comment on how my final version has changed from my final design in the design section.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My final design Essay (569 words). (2017, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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