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    My Family Traditions Essay (796 words)

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    Every family has its own traditions, which are honored and respected over the generations. My family also has a number of practices that are very meaningful, beautiful and interesting. Some of the traditions that we follow from generation to generation are dinner together, the tea night and Sunday party, celebrating birthdays of our family members and celebrations of national events. As I said that one among these traditions is the dinner and nightly tea, we usually combine them together.

    Unfortunately, the way of life today does not allow our family to gather all together for a dinner every day, and everyone who returns from work or school, can eat on their own. But no matter how late it was, there is always that specific time for the general gathering of the family. The nightly Tea Party has never been canceled. As soon as the clock strikes eight, we all go to the kitchen. That is where we find the comfort seating area, the table and the comfortable bench in the corner of the kitchen.

    And on the table, gently lit by the colorful lamp shade is spread the usual tea set. The smell of our favorite hot tea, poured in the tea bowls, spreads all over the house. The tea bowls are arranged among a different variety of tempting sweets. Usually on Sundays our kitchen table reigns rich cakes and plenty of sweets that are usually not there on the weekdays. Slowly sipping tea, we share our impressions about the past day, listen to the advice of the elders in the family, and enjoy the flavor and quiet relaxation. I love these evenings.

    This soft light, warmth and comfort like a shield from the hassle of this life. Another tradition in our family, close to the previous one described, is gathering with all the relatives and friends on a Sunday evening after church. Usually we have about 30 people in our small house with only one living room, but we are gathering together any way. One family is my cousins nine people total, and my mom’s best friend she has eight people in total. On this evening we always have a lot of food, mostly Russian, but sometimes we ordering pizza from nearby store.

    During this short and fast hours we as a young adults sitting and talking in the living room, while our parents sitting around the table loudly laughing and telling stories. Often I hear from them stories about how we act and what we did when we wear small kids. The favorite story is that we were always together with my best friend Robert: we are best friends up to this minute. Our visitors never leave earlier than 11 Pm, which is really good, because it s always fun and iterating. This tradition started all the way back in Russia before I was born Another tradition is my favorite, on the eighth day of March we have trips to nature.

    Hard to say exactly since when it became a tradition in our family. Early March – during the most unpredictable weather, and that day you never know what can happen. Every year a lot of fun and exciting things will happen this day; there might be wet snow, or the timid sun will peek through the bare branches of the trees, or the nature will threaten us with gusty and piercing winds. However, this is not an obstacle for a walk in the fresh air, and after a nutritious and delicious breakfast, we congratulate our women and present them beautiful and pleasant gifts.

    We always go out of town to enjoy the outdoors as it awakens from the winter sleep, and watch the first spring appearance. In the forest, we are trying to move more to us keep warm. If the land is dry we play soccer or other outdoor games. Then we drink tea or coffee from a large thermos and eat the sandwiches brought from home. This is a wonderful tradition that our family strictly practices. It is nice that we never question on how to spend the international women’s day, and we are all extremely happy that day.

    Best and most valuable thing on the planet for humans is their family, and close relatives as well. Most people don’t realize it in the young age, but always in the future comes to the point when they realize how imported and good to a family member be. Family creates a feeling that we are a part of something good; we are all part of a huge world where we can’t survive along. Family traditions made to support each other, and to help in members needs. I’m glad that I’m a member of the best family in the world!

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Family Traditions Essay (796 words). (2018, Aug 06). Retrieved from

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