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    Movie Summary – Run Lola Run Essay

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    The ways which we understand key life issues as individuals can be affected by the techniques in which we imagine a mental image or concept. Run Lola Run, Tom Tykner is a distinctly visual film which portrays a substantial amount of dialogue, as well as the story being told through images, symbols and motifs, this affects our views of the events which occur throughout the film and as a viewer have become aware of the multiple perceptions which have impacted on us.

    Tom Tykwer captured this notion, though Run Lola Run as he absorbed the most significant aspects of life including, chance, love, deaths and decision making. Tykner does this to help understand key life issues and adapt to what our purpose is in life and the adventures we will undertake throughout. Alice in wonderland, illustrated by Lewis Carroll, shows signs of distinctly visual though its portrayal that we are most moved to contemplate the significance of our lives in different dimensions.

    Carroll’s use of, symbolism and techniques such as the use of colours enables us to broaden our understanding of the divstincltvly visual occurring though the text. Tom Tykwer portrays a varitey of distinctively visual themes in the film, Run Lola Run, which demonstrate the conflict between the notions of fate and chance, this is clarifying a serious of unpredictable situations throughout the three runs which occur during the film. In the opening of the film fate and chance are firstly stimulated though a serious of retrace questions: “who are we? Where do we come from?

    Where are we going? Why do we believe anything at all? ’. The last question, “Why do we believe anything at all? ’ Is giving viewers the impression of not being abele to rely on themselves or the feeling of pointless in believing that individuals are in full control of their own destiny and actions. After the particular questions are asked in the opening, the low angle shot appears to reveal that the questions being asked were spoken by the policeman. The policeman is seemed to be a individual figure of fate who attributes characteristics of the theme “fate and chance”.

    So therefore, the protagonist in the film, Lola, has constant enclosures with the policeman with all three runs, each run explaining the meaning of the policeman having different behaviours which affect Lola’s attitude or self determination towards getting the money needed for mania, which is supplies by her “so called Father”, this is lola taking her chances not considering the consequences ahead, just taking that chance. Tykwer demonstrates how Lola is knows the she is subsequently “policed” by fate. Tykwer then reliably goes on to explain the next a quote expressed in a forceful manner, “The ball is round, the game last 90 minutes.

    Thats a fact. ” In the time following, he kicks the soccer ball vertically up which is a distinctive example of human life as a game, and the outcome depends on the actions and decisions made by the individual. Other characters thought the film such as the tramp or the lady pushing the pram are recurring events during the film. these events are symbolic to change which straighten our understanding of that postmodern perception that an individuals life is interconnected with a multiple sequence of parole lives.

    By distinctively sterilising these images Tykwer portrays “fate” as a highly purposeful and easily evaporated explanation that situation. Lola is portrayed throughout the film as a memorable character, this is though the use of colour on Lola. Lola has intense red hair which is mad to stand out in every scene, the idea of the colour red refers to the passionate love lola has for Mannie. For example when Lola was in bed with Mannie during the **second run**, the only colour you could see was red as it stood out, and as the red went away you could feel the heart fade away.

    Therefore Tykwer uses this colour red to significantly emphasise the love story between Lola and Mannie. The red images gives a clear image to the audience that the film is directed to the feelings in which Lola and Mannie relationship reflects each other, this making Lola that memorable character she is bought out to be. as well as Lola’s hair being red, there are other objects within the film which also symbolise the significance of the red colour. For example, the red telephone which Lola uses to all Mannie in the first scene of the film*** WHY?

    Other than Lola, Mannie also shows a stand out colour towards him, this colour is yellow. The yellow symbolising** What does the colour yellow symbolise?. The colour of Mannie’s hair is yellow, Mannie speaks to Lola on in a yellow telephone box and Mannie wears yellow clothes. By having the main character placed with a particular colour, symbolises to the audience what type of person they are or how they show their character throughout the film. Other then the symbols of the main charters, Lola and Mannie, In the first scene of the film Tyknewr plays back a visual scene in Lola’s memory and produces the colours seen in black and white.

    The black and white images symbolise the sense of emergency which Lola was thinking, makes the viewers go into deep thought with Lola only at that very time, then when the colours return back to normal, the views step back with Lola to reality, feeling the force of emotions. Symbols throughout the film play a vital role within portrays specific aspects of the audience interpreting the distinctly visual images. One of the many visual symbols Tykwer uses throughout the film is the Clock. The clock is shown all thought the film


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    Movie Summary – Run Lola Run Essay. (2018, Jul 25). Retrieved from

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