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    Modern Drama Essay (423 words)

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    Preparation: We read the play ‘ A VIEW FROM A BRIDGE’, we watched the video of the play and then discussed the roles of the characters. We also did a hot seating exercise. Task: Take one of the characters in the play ‘A VIEW FROM A BRIDGE’, describe their personality throughout the play and say how the role could be played in a performance. Introduction I am writing about a character from the play a view from a bridge. The character’s name is Eddie Carbone. Eddie is an Italian/American who lives in a place called Red Hook. Red Hook is the ‘gullet of New York’.

    Eddie is a longshoreman that works on the docks from Brooklyn Bridge to the breakwater where the sea begins. Eddie is ‘forty’, ‘husky’, and ‘slightly overweight’. Eddie In The Play (ACT 1) At the start of the play Eddie is coming in from his day of work and he goes to his chair after hanging his cap and jacket. Catherine (his niece) rushes to say hello. The way that he hangs up his cap and jacket, ‘Eddie is pleased and therefore shy about it’; Eddie’s first actions in the play towards Catherine quite clearly shows that he is fond of her.

    Eddie does not say hello to anyone, just asks ‘where you going all dressed up? ‘ He runs his hands over her skirt. This is not what a normal uncle or parent would do. This shows that Eddie has deep feelings towards Catherine and he comes across being very intimate with Catherine. Eddie complements Catherine on how she looks. He likes her appearance, he finds her attractive. However Eddie criticises the skirt because he thinks that it is too short. He finds a reason for why he is correct. This happens often in the play. Eddie puts up a fight until he gets what he wants.

    He also disapproves of the way that she walks; ‘You are walkin’ wavy! ‘ He brings her to tears. Eddie treats her like a small child because this is the way that he wants it to be. His excuse is that he promised her mother on her deathbed that he would look after her. He is trying to make Catherine feel guilty. If Catherine goes against his word she will be dishonouring her mother; this is not the case. Eddie is trying to take control over her. He wants her all for himself. After this he changes the subject quickly so that he can secure that he has won his battle.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Modern Drama Essay (423 words). (2017, Oct 14). Retrieved from

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