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    Mindwalk: International Relations Essay

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    Mindwalk: International Relations EssayFrom the very beginning, I realized that Mindwalk was definitely not afilm you could kick back, turn your brain off, and just enjoy.

    To be able tounderstand and grasp the meaning of the film, you first had to make sure thatyour brain was in full gear. The concept and idea the author is trying to getacross just doesn’t run to you. It requires concentration and an evaluation ofthe world around you. Even with this in mind, I’m not even sure I came acrosswith everything the film was trying to point out. The setting of a medieval island castle in Paris jumps out from themovie screen in the first few minutes.

    Also, the seemingly incredible contrastof the first two characters sets the mind into work already, wondering how thesetwo personalities will carry the film. Still furthermore when Jack, the failedpolitician, and Thomas, a little-known poet, meet up with Sonya, a secludedscientist, the movie takes a deep inner-look at the world. As the three characters get to know one another, they begin to discuss(actually debate) various topics about the world around them. As they all beginto tell their side, it becomes clear why the author chose these characters.

    Each has a very separate, very unique view on the subject he is trying to getacross: people’s perception of the world. As the day draws to a close, the three different viewpoints seem toslowly diverge into a common thought: People need to view the world as a whole,everything relying on each other, as nature and life, instead of a hugemechanical machine. As I mentioned above, I think everyone that watched themovie will come away from it with a different idea in mind. I believe that ideathat you are left with has a great deal to do with the one that you started with,the way you saw the world before watching Mindwalk.Music and Movies .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Mindwalk: International Relations Essay. (2019, Mar 04). Retrieved from

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