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    Minds Are Open When Hearts Are Open Analysis Essay

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    Minds are opened only when hearts are open “Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open. ” James Dewar By this they mean that an open heart receives with joy and gratitude the love that is offered to it. An open heart gives with warmth and honesty all the love a heart Can bear. When our heart is Open, it Can work in harmony with our head. Our mind is not the ruler of our heart, orifice versa. They must balance each Other out, and this can only happen if our heart is open.

    First Of el, there sis door of the heart. What does mean to have an “open heart”? Most people believe that they have an open heart, though in reality eve are all protecting it from things we believe Will hurt us emotionally. This is our natural defense mechanism, and it doesn’t mean that we are unkind or not loving. But to have an open heart means to UN-learn this. Fear-fear of rejection, fear of not being loved, fear of failure. Makes us close our heart. If we fear all this. Which we all do-we start to believe the fear we have is true. The reason why we protect ourselves is to simply make our world a safer place, by avoiding people who we believe will threaten or hurt us, It doesn’t make us had; it-we believe- makes us feel sate. An open mind is an understanding mind which will develop an appreciation for people, When you take the trouble to think of other people’s feelings, their viewpoints and their desires you are saying “people are important”. An open mind will accept other people unconditionally.

    When you do this you spelling your emotions and you allow people to be who they are with all their idiosyncrasies, differences and irritations, To do this, you need to let down your barriers and trust people, and open up to the world. Most importantly, we need to trust our instincts and believe that we will not get hurt. People may hue different opinions on what an open heart is, and that’s alright, because the further eve look into our opinions it all turns out to mean a similar thing. It means that eve are able to listen to someone in good or bad times.

    Lastly, it means that you do not expect anything back. Often, we open are our heart to people we love, because we as humans trust them more. In short, it means to care with passionate love about someone. We all are responsible for making a great change. The challenge is; how do we do this? How can we bring the endless flexibility and genius of our open minds and the infinite compassionate wisdom of our open hearts to work together for the greater good of all life on the planet?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Minds Are Open When Hearts Are Open Analysis Essay. (2018, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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