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    Minds Are Open Only When Hearts Are Opened Persuasive Essay

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    There is so much ore to our heart! It is that part of the ‘part of us’ which bears all our and what not! A man’s heart decides what kind of a person he is, it defines him. What is an ‘open heart’? An open heart receives vivid joy and gratitude, all the love that it gets and also gives it all back With honesty. An open heart feels comfortable saying “let’s try’ or “we will find a war. It is strong and loving.

    It does not judge people without knowing them and is Wise. An open heart sees possibilities. An open heart…… Well, one can go on and on. Mind-an element of a person that enables him to hind, to feel and to be aware Of his surroundings and experiences. A brilliant minded person is capable of doing brilliant things but an open minded person is capable of doing things that are far…. ћ.. Far better than just brilliant. Who is a person with an ‘open mind’?

    A person with an open mind isn’t judgmental, He understands that different people will look at a particular situation differently and come to opposite conclusions based on their own perspectives, priorities and experiences. We know what the mind is and what the heart is. We also know who an open hearted or an open minded person is. Now, all we have to know s the true meaning tot the sentence “minds are opened only when hearts are opened”, This basically means that once you open your heart, you see the world trot a different perspective.

    You ‘feel’ yourself becoming a better person. The heart reaches out to your mind, opening its doors. As already said-it works in harmony with the mind. The open heart instructs the mind to start ‘feeling’ and ‘understanding only an open heart can open a mind since it has been through every emotion and is strong, loving and wise. The most important part of a person-the heart, is also the most important part of his personality, is hat defines you. One might ask… What’s the use of having an open mind?

    Let’s see it in a different way _ Why should we not have a closed mind? If you have a closed mind then you are prejudiced and judgmental and not liked by many. And if you are out there to make a change or if not a change then to be a good person, you simply cannot have a closed mind! A closed mind is full of darkness , hatred and pathetic misjudgment and misunderstandings. Basically open minded people are good people and the world needs a lot of them.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Minds Are Open Only When Hearts Are Opened Persuasive Essay. (2018, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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