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    Media vs. Parenting Essay (699 words)

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    The Impact On a Childs BehaviorMedia vs. Parenting EssayWhat impact does sex, violence, drugs, etc. in the media have on children? What can we do about it? How do we balance the tension between freedom of expression and the need to protect children? When you talk about the media and whether or not it is harmful on children, you must examine the whole industry and all aspects of its effects on children.

    It is that the media as a whole is not as harmful to children as some intense other can, but over exposure to certain aspects of certain types of media can be harmful. To say that all media can be harmful to children is a fallacy that must be avoided when examining this topic. Most people when analyzing this issue tend to focus on drugs, sex, and violence in terms of the television media. Although those are some of the main topics throughout the history of this topic, there are more important issues then just that as said. This is an argument that should indefinitely point out the major impacts on young children.

    However this will be examining this topic in a much broader sense that will encompass the media as an entity and not focus only on the negative aspects but also the positive aspects of the media to show that the media is not in all ways bad for children. Media affecting children is increasingly rising, and is becoming a big factor among children’s behaviors, but other factors such as parenting will also participate to whether media is harmful to children. During the formation of our Constitution, our forefathers had enough foresight to know that one of the most sacred freedoms that a society can have is freedom of the press. They, however, could not envision how many different forms of the press there would be in the years after the Constitution was written. During our nation’s formative years, the term press was primarily restricted to media in terms of newspapers and books.

    Over the years with different courts, congresses, and presidents, we have seen an expansion of the term press. This has been made even more so with advancing technology and the global expansion of the media. Therefore when we examine the media we must take a contemporary approach to this issue rather than looking at the issue based on the past. The media has long been an easy target for the ills of society. If we go back to the times of the beginnings of World War II we can see how many at the time were turning a negative glance towards the media. William Randolph Hearst was widely criticized by his contemporary for focusing on media stories that related to crime and pseudo science.

    Those who disliked Hearst or competed against him called his brand of media “yellow press”. However is can we accuse a person of imposing “bad media” onto society, just because we do not believe in what they wish to talk about? The second amendment assures us that we have the right to voice our opinions, therefore by holding his ground I believe Mr. Hearst was not doing harm to society but just doing what he thought he was entitled to do. I will further discuss other prominent individuals in the media and how they have been perceived.

    In a matter of seconds, 80% children can impersonate an action hero in a video action game, A TV show, Reality shows or even a movie/TV character. We see a lot of media as happy, energetic, and exciting. We rarely see the media as depressed, boring, and unattractive. Sadly, as much as happy, exciting, and energetic sounds so great, a great number of that happy media is related to sex, violence, drugs, tobacco and alcohol.

    Children rely on the television, games, magazines, and the internet to occupy their time. The second a child opens a magazine and sees sexy women striking a pose with a beer in her hand, he/she looks up to that as sexy and cool. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse released a 145 page study claiming that children drink 25 percent of all alcohol consumed in .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Media vs. Parenting Essay (699 words). (2019, Mar 22). Retrieved from

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