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    Me and Her Essay

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    We have been dating for 1 month and 8 days. Able to have her as a girlfriend is the greatest gift of all.

    Thinking back, I still can”t figure out, what gave me the courage to ask her out, maybe it was my determine mind, which constantly reminds me that i want her.

    On the first day of our relationship, everything seemed normaly, too normal it made me think that we will never go beyond friends. That thought actually scared me a little, because it was like having something you have always wanted, but you can”t hold on to it.

    We didn”t get the chance to speak to each other the next day. I guess she found me too boring, or maybe she too, think that there”s no way we are goign to go further than typical friends could. At that point, I did have the thought of letting her go, because I felt very unloved. On the same night I got to talk to Katherine, she was the girl i use to like. “Use to”?? Does that mean I dont” like her anymore? I don”t know the answer to that question. At least I believe the answer is not important at that stage. Because what she said later on during our convesation, is what i considered to be most important. She said that she like me more than a friend. I was flattered, when i heard those words. I was happy and sad simultaneously. Happy because I have found someone that might love me. Sad because that person isn”t my girlfriend. I did ask myself serveral times, why did those words came out of Katherine”s mouth and not her”s?

    But that question didn”t stay in my head for long, because another question came up, and I believe this coming question is the most important one, and must be answered immediately. “Should I choose Katherine or my current girlfriend?” I was a confusing situation, even though half an hour ago I said that I was prepared to leave my girlfriend, I guess its true, that you won”t know, how important someone or something is to you, until you are at the edge of losing them.

    A couple of days had gone by, I still haven”t decided who i want. During this last couple of days, I didn”t talk to Katherine, instead I talked to my girlfriend and told her the whole situation. To my surprise, she didn”t want to break up with me for liking two girls at once. Instead she told me that she loves me, and said that I can choose Katherine, if that what my heart wants.

    After what she said, I knew instantly who I wanted. Her, of course. If she loves me and I love her, its so obvious that things will work out prefectly for us. I was so happy then, because all the problems were solved, I felt no pressure.

    Wait a sec, there was still one problem. Katherine. What am I going to say to her? Am I going to tell her the truth about what”s going on, or just make up some lame lies like “I am not ready for a girlfriend??” Cause one thing I know for sure is that, I haven”t told Katherine about my girlfriend. Is it the right time to tell Katherine that I have a girlfriend?? I think so, I mean, how can someone be rejected, without knowing the real reason of the rejection.

    I talked to Katherine the next day. Before I said anything about choosing my girlfriend and not her. She rejected me, by saying that she isn”t interested in me. “She rejected me??” Wasn”t it suppose to be me rejecting her?? Oh well, either way the result will still be the same.

    I was kind of happy that she rejected me, which was unusual. I mean how could one be happy in these situations? By the way, that was the last conversation I had with Katherine. I have never heard from her ever since. From then on, I thought there won”t be any interference between me and my girlfriend. But of course, things can never go so smoothly. We meet another obstacle, a few days after the Katherine thing was settled. This time the problem didn”t come from me, it”s from my girlfriend. Acutally its from this guy called Travis. He had always liked my girlfriend, and she use to like him. The problem is I don”t know if she still does!

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Me and Her Essay. (2018, Jun 11). Retrieved from

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