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    McClaren F1 Essay

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    English III McClaren F1Do you want the fastest street legal car in the world? Well then you need to get a McClaren F1. This car will cost you an arm and a leg, but it is defiantly worth the money. If you like high speeds and great looks you will love the McClaren F1. The McClaren F1 has very incredible speeds and performance.

    The McClaren F1 can go the amazing speed of 226 miles per hour. Going this great speed must be the greatest rush in the world. You might as well race a drag car because that would be your only competition. The McClaren F1 can also go 0-60mph in 2. 8 seconds and do the quarter mile in 9. 6 seconds.

    If you put the petal to the metal your head will slam back into your seat and you will be flying in a matter of seconds. These amazing speeds and performance are pretty much the best you can get. The McClaren F1 is a demonstration of pure speed. The McClaren F1 has so many great things about it. The McClaren F1 has a V-12 engine.

    That is such a good example of great power. This super car engine is the best engine money can buy. The McClaren F1 has only one seat in the front of the car. When you drive this beast it’s only you and the shifter.

    You are pretty much the king of the world when you drive this amazing car. This great car has better details than any other car,The McClaren F1is one of the most expensive cars in the world. The McClaren F1 cost an incredible cost of 850,00 to 1,500,00 dollars. This is more money that I will see in my whole life.

    But if you are rich, you should buy this car. Bill Gates has this fastest streetcar in the world sitting in his garage. At some times I wish I were Bill Gates so I could have such an awesome car. This car belongs on the racetrack, but you get the luxury of driving it legally on the street. The McClaren F1’s cost is high; fortunately you get what you pay for.

    The McClaren F1 is an incredible car. This superb car has so many great things about it. The McClaren F1 is a combination of performance, looks, and record times. The McClaren F1 is definitely worth every penny that you pay. In conclusion, if you are rich you should buy one of these amazing exotic cars.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    McClaren F1 Essay. (2019, Jan 12). Retrieved from

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