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    “Maus” Book Review (857 words)

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    Maus is a great read for learning about the holocaust. The book has a lot of factual evidence about what happened in the holocaust and at the same time it has some made up parts to try and ease the reality of what happened at the holocaust. So what was the holocaust? A lot of people would ask, the Holocaust, was a massacre in which Nazi Germany, supported by its partners, and deliberately killed about six million European Jews around 66% of the Jewish populace of Europe somewhere in the range of 1941 and 1945, amid World War II. Spiegelman shows a lot of the problem of evil and suffering in the book Maus talking about the holocaust.

    Spiegelman’s Maus, is an interesting method for taking a gander at history. Using comics, Spiegelman enables the reader to make their own inferences inside the parameters of the sheets of the comic. Dissimilar to perusing a course book in which the writer portrays everything about the topic, funnies take into consideration the reader to reach their own determinations from the data given to them. Likewise by perusing a genuine comic, for example, Maus, we can split far from Maus has a fascinating route with regards to moving toward a chronicled record, for example, the association with his dad and the Holocaust. A standout amongst the most fascinating parts of Maus is the manner by which Spiegelman utilizes animals to recognize the different races inside the comic.

    Likewise by utilizing animals, it takes into account a simpler read, along these lines we can concentrate more on what Spiegelman is endeavoring to get crosswise over in the present and not simply the characters. By Spiegelman utilizing animals and utilizing comic book structure, the reader can actually ‘draw’ their own decisions about what they accept is going on page by page, as opposed to having the writer portray the entire view to them. We can read Maus from a recorded angle. The Holocaust is a profoundly scratched paradox that ended the lives of a large number of honest individuals. By perusing Maus we can investigate the chronicled ruin of humanity and the symptoms that such a horrible accident. All through the book, Vladek is depicted as a negative and enraged person, which must imply that whatever occurred inside the death camps changed the manner in which he saw the world. It’s appalling that this occasion needed to occur, yet like the adage goes what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Since Vladek endure the Holocaust it’s reasonable the manner by which considers and acts. The manner by which Vladek acts takes into consideration us to investigate history through the eyes of somebody who was quite amid this time and not by a creator who wasn’t there. Since we have this chance to investigate history through somebody’s eyes, we can see the decimation and the torment that these people went through.

    Visiting the holocaust museum in San Antonio was very eye opening to me. I’ve always read about the holocaust and watch videos and movies about it. But once I visited the museum for the first time, it made me view it in even more of a worse way. Seeing the things in the museum in person honestly made me feel a little more heartbroken for the people that went through this. I spoke to a few people of the Jewish community and they told me some of the stories that they’ve been told and it just makes your heart go out to those who went through this tragic event.

    Maus has some very harsh parts in the read that show how immoral the holocaust was. “It was many, many such stories, synagogues burned, Jews beaten with no reason, whole towns pushing out all Jews – each story worse than the other.” (I.2.35) In this statement, Vladek finds out about the treatment of Jews in Germany. Never again viewed as full citizens, they are the casualties of state-endorsed violence. “International laws protected us a little as Polish war prisoners. But a Jew of the Reich, anyone could kill in the streets!” (I.3.63) Ironically, Vladek is better off as a Polish war prisoner than as a Jew in Germany. In issues of war, global tradition wins: war detainees are qualified for certain fundamental rights. A Jew inside the Reich, then again, is liable to German laws, not global ones. “ORDER: All Jews of Sosnowiec must be relocated into the Stara Sosnowiec quarter by January 1, 1942. Non-Jews will be moved into vacated premises.” (I.4.84) The Nazis preceded with their abuse of the Jews by removing their homes and moving them into ghettoes, little, confined neighborhoods separated from whatever is left of the town.

    The problem of evil and suffering is very clear with the quotes that I gave. The Jews suffered so much from going through the holocaust. There were so many lives taken and lost from the killing for no reason. The holocaust is one of the worst events to ever take place on Earth because of all the lives that were lost for no reason, but just being a Jew and not being the “perfect race.”

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    “Maus” Book Review (857 words). (2022, Jun 06). Retrieved from

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