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    Mary Shelley’s description Essay

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    Other people including his sister were very worried and believed the quest to be too dangerous; many thought that the quest could never be accomplished. His sister was especially worried because it was a part of the world never visited and also there was no route discovered to the pole yet. Walton attempts, in his letter, to persuade his sister that everything will be alright. Victor Frankenstein was a young ambitious scientist who wanted to be the first ever human to create life.

    He wanted to be become famous and be well known for his work as a scientist. Even though people and other scientists with high reputations told him that it was dangerous and also that it could never be accomplished. Despite this he was determined not to let their thoughts get in the way and carried on with his plan. He prepared for his work by going into graveyards and charnel houses collecting body parts and bones of dead people:

    ‘Spending days and nights in vaults and charnel houses’ ‘churchyards were merrily respectable bodies deprived of life’ This choice of words by Mary Shelley is very effective because it makes the reader feel that something dreadful is being created because you wouldn’t think something good of the creature when you here that the body parts of it were from dead, burned rooted people, this is very effective on the readers because it makes you feel as if you are there and are actually experiencing it.

    This also again shows the intelligence of Mary Shelley. This quote shows that he is willing to give sleep and food because he was so determined to go on with his dangerous mission and to create life. Finally Victor Frankenstein succeeds: ‘After nights and days of labour and fatigue, I succeeded in discovering the cause of life. ‘ At this point Victor Frankenstein is very excited because after all his hard work he had finally discovered the way to create life.

    This basically makes him feel that his mission is unstoppable and that ultimately people would thank him for what he had accomplished. Mary Shelley is trying to convey the message that Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein are going too far. They are both over ambitious and their preparations including giving up sleep and food shows that they are determined to do what they set out to do and nothing can get in their way. Both of their quests seem too dangerous and are also pushing the boundaries too far.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Mary Shelley’s description Essay. (2017, Nov 12). Retrieved from

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